Deleting photo in only one gallery

I have a private pending gallery where I upload photos to be "collected" to other more appropriate galleries. When I am done doing that, I want to delete the photos in the Pending Gallery, so I can upload more to move around. It seems when I delete a photo in the Pending Gallery, it also deletes the photo in the other galleries. Is there a way to only delete a photo in one gallery without deleting in the other galleries. As always, your help is greatly appreciated.
If you delete the source of a pic that has been collected, the collected versions are also deleted. But if you delete a collected version, the original stays intact, as do other collected instances. So you should probably upload to a different private gallery, then collect the pic into your pending gallery. Think the scheme through carefully before you implement it--the organizer does not give you any indication that a source pic has been collected elsewhere, which makes it hard to keep things straight.
Thank you for your advice. I will look into that. So if I understand you correctly. I should create another private gallery, upload photo to that and then collect them into the pending gallery. So then if I delete the ones in the pending gallery, the original ones in the private gallery and the collected photos will be intact. Am I understanding you correctly?
Yes, that's correct. That's how I manage a number of my more active SM galleries--one private gallery for uploads and another public collected one for display.
One thing you might want to test is the following: You upload the pic into gallery A. Then collect it into gallery B. Then while you're in gallery B you collect it into gallery C from galley B. Now you delete it from gallery B. It will still be in gallery A but is it still in gallery C? I think the answer is yes, but I'm not altogether sure, so try the experiment and let us know what you find. But if you delete it from A, it will disappear from both B and C, I think.
Is there a reason you use
instead of justmove
out of the pending folder?Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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I didn't see an option to move. Is it in the same cluster as Collect?
When you drag a photo to the gallery in the left tree a popup appears with "move" and "collect" in it.
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Another option is to "Make a Copy" of a photo, and then move that (or a group of copied photos) into another gallery(s). At that point it doesn't matter if you nuke a copy somewhere later, as the original and any other copies are unaffected. I often don't remember which photo was the original, so if I use the copy option, I can't screw it up.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Hmmm...I thought the Make a Copy option was long gone in SM. I used to use it, but now use Collect instead. I suppose you can upload multiple copies if you want, but that takes a lot of time.
BTW, I just did an experiment and multiple collected copied behave as I thought...if you collect a previously collected copy and delete the earlier one, the latter one remains intact until you delete the original, uploaded pic, which causes all collected copies to go away.
I still see Make a Copy in the tools selection from Lightbox.
It seems odd to me that the same option doesn't seem to be in Organizer.
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You're right--I never thought to look there. I wonder whether that's a bug or a feature?
Make a Copy is in the tools drop menu in a Smugmug style gallery and also in lightbox tools drop menu.
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Okay, here is what I did! I went into Lightroom and selected the photos I wanted in Smug, put them all in Pending, then selected them all and moved them into the gallery I had just created. The Pending gallery is now empty. The one thing I DON'T like is you can't just select a few. So if I have some various ones that belong in different galleries, I can't select just a few. It's all or nothing at all.
It’s an intended feature. We want to make sure you don’t end up with thousands of duplicate photos all over your heirarchy, so we make you be very selective in which photos you duplicate (make a copy).
@SuzPhotos: I’m still confused as to why you don’t use the Move option in the Organizer. It lets you select the specific photos you want and then move them out of the pending one into the final destination. It sounds like exactly what you want. (PS: The Lightroom plugin should also let you move selectively as well).
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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In the Pending gallery (my private one), if I upload (from Lightroom or from my computer), it won't let me select just a few. It's all or nothing at all. So now when I put photos in the Pending gallery, I make sure they are meant for one other gallery so I can move them all in one fell swoop. That worked for me.