Missing buttons in Lightbox mode
I the past when signed in as site admin, I used to see all the buttons in the Lightbox mode (when displaying a photo full screen), incl. the INFO button, even if the buttons were disabled for my visitors.
Even with ONLY the SIZES button enabled for my visitors, now logged in as Site Admin, I only see SHARE, TOOLS, DOWNLOAD, and SIZES buttons. Not the INFO, SHARE, etc. buttons.
Has SM changed this? If so, why?
I see them all on my site. If you would post a link to a gallery where this is happening we could look at your CSS and see if there is something there causing it.
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The camera info icon can be enabled or disabled in the gallery settings > appearance. If you turn it ON, it will show for both you as the logged in owner, and your visitors. Same if you turn it OFF: it won't show for anybody. This has always been the behavior of this particular icon.
SmugMug Support Hero Manager
SmugMug Support Hero Manager
My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
I guess my memory is failing me. I have been with SM for many years, even before their new release.
I recollect that the Site Admin was always able to see ALL button, even when disabled for my visitors.
Can some else comment on this please...
Hadron, you as the logged in account owner will always see the download icon and the buy buttons, even if you disable them in the gallery settings. This behavior, however, doesn't apply to the photo info icon. If you disable it, nobody will see it, not even you.
SmugMug Support Hero Manager
SmugMug Support Hero Manager
My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
Ok, I accept that is the way it works. My visitors don't care about how the photo was taken. So I normally turn OFF the Info button. Now I have to download photos to view EXIF metadata.
Does this make any sense though?
Seems to me it should work like the DOWNLOAD button. If it is turned of for visitors, the site admin should still see it...
Thanks for putting up with my frustration.
You can hide the info button with CSS for visitors and show only logged in.
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Where would I find this CSS code? Or how could I learn to do it?
I use this to label the INFO button: (CSS by Sherlock Photography), but I don't understand how/why it works.:
/* Label the info button */
.sm-button.sm-button-image-info:after {
content: "Info" !important;
margin-left: 8px;
Not sure if this will work but you can try it. On my site I get a line breakc because I have some margins applied.
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Your CSS works great for hiding the info button for my visitors.
It does mess up the Site Admin buttons location underneath the photo (they used to appear on one line under the photo), but I can live with that.
Thanks very much, Allen