Juvenile Eagle in Monochrome

in Wildlife
It seems that we rarely see monochrome images of wildlife here on this thread in dgrin, even though there are many fine art images of wildlife in monochrome to be found.
I always kind of think that juvenile eagles look like they are wearing camouflage, and it makes them almost disappear against an evergreen background which can be common in SE Alaska. As I was editing this image I thought maybe it might work in monochrome, and I think it does. Anyone agree or disagree?
I would also make an appeal for more monochrome images of wildlife here in this forum
Pathfinder - www.pathfinder.smugmug.com
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I like it, think it works. In this instance, it would appear that the sky is deep blue overhead, with whispy clouds, and then the obvious puffy clouds underneath. In this image, I think you could draw out the drama of the eagle more by drawing out more drama in the sky. I'd start by brushing the bottoms of the puffy clouds darker, and throwing a 30% vignette with a heavy feather and give it a look.
Or go the opposite, blow out the sky and darken the eagle...regardless, this image is pretty much perfect already, I'm just day dreaming some edits. lol
Yes, more wildlife in B&W!!!
Incredible! Bravo!