Portrait with tutorial. Bronzed.

Dear friends!
I was asked a lot of times to show some of my secrets.
Actually, I have no secrets…
But maybe this workflow of mine will be interesting (I’ll consider your replies so…) to some of you…
Not sure this is a right place for posting, but hope Andy will fix it...
Model choosing… This young lady works in a photo shop where I print my photos.
Must say that a lot of those whom I photographed doesn’t really look attractive ‘in life’… and they say that they are not photogenic at all… and they are sure they are not… Some of them has some problems with skin, face skin (Who of us does not?).
But… I think I can’t explain this to you, but I ‘see’ the future photo. You may call it ‘Freezing look’ of mine…
Still image is just another thing…
So, ‘model’ say ‘yes’, but she has only 15 min :- )
Yes, of course the background is more then a half here. Usually I’m searching for proper backgrounds beforehand and then only ‘take’ my model there…
Legs are moved apart (steady pose with stable ‘foundation’ so to say… Figure forms triangle). Face turned to light side.
Indifferent emotions on the face…(I mean I ask her to ‘say nothing’…. Usually they begin to think – that’s what I need…)
This horizontal line at ‘golden section’ is very important…
Just as placing model in a ‘golden section’ too…
I focus on a model and then turn camera a bit to right…
Leaving much more ‘space’ in the direction of her look is important too…
Original (Edited)

Now (after some time of experience) I edit my Original photos and save them at maximum quality with letter ‘e’ at the end… They can be used for web and prints later…
1 Edited photo taken.
2 Additional cleaning of face skin with healing brush at 300 % enlargement.
3 Resized to 800x600
4 Copy layer
5 Filter-> Sharpen-> Unsharped mask 67/ 0.4/0
6 Copy layer
7 Image-> Adjustment-> Shadow/Highlight [50/40/30 0/50/30 +20/0 0.01 /0.01]
8 Virtual photographer (www.optikvervelabs.com free download plugins for PS)
Load -> bronzed.vph with correction of variable parameters… (as you like)
9 ‘Harry Behret’s method’: copy layer/ ‘Multiply’ blending mode / Blur-> Gaussian blur (3.0)
10 Set opacity of this layer to 29%
11 New layer
12 Rectangular Marquee / Invert (Ctrl+I)
13 Select -> Feather (10-15)
14 Fill with black 2-3 times
15 Put you ©
16 Ctrl+E
17 Save for web: JPEG/High/ Quality 65 /Blur 0 / Progressive

Sorry for my English,
I was asked a lot of times to show some of my secrets.
Actually, I have no secrets…
But maybe this workflow of mine will be interesting (I’ll consider your replies so…) to some of you…
Not sure this is a right place for posting, but hope Andy will fix it...
Model choosing… This young lady works in a photo shop where I print my photos.
Must say that a lot of those whom I photographed doesn’t really look attractive ‘in life’… and they say that they are not photogenic at all… and they are sure they are not… Some of them has some problems with skin, face skin (Who of us does not?).
But… I think I can’t explain this to you, but I ‘see’ the future photo. You may call it ‘Freezing look’ of mine…
Still image is just another thing…
So, ‘model’ say ‘yes’, but she has only 15 min :- )
Yes, of course the background is more then a half here. Usually I’m searching for proper backgrounds beforehand and then only ‘take’ my model there…
Legs are moved apart (steady pose with stable ‘foundation’ so to say… Figure forms triangle). Face turned to light side.
Indifferent emotions on the face…(I mean I ask her to ‘say nothing’…. Usually they begin to think – that’s what I need…)
This horizontal line at ‘golden section’ is very important…
Just as placing model in a ‘golden section’ too…
I focus on a model and then turn camera a bit to right…
Leaving much more ‘space’ in the direction of her look is important too…
Original (Edited)

Now (after some time of experience) I edit my Original photos and save them at maximum quality with letter ‘e’ at the end… They can be used for web and prints later…
1 Edited photo taken.
2 Additional cleaning of face skin with healing brush at 300 % enlargement.
3 Resized to 800x600
4 Copy layer
5 Filter-> Sharpen-> Unsharped mask 67/ 0.4/0
6 Copy layer
7 Image-> Adjustment-> Shadow/Highlight [50/40/30 0/50/30 +20/0 0.01 /0.01]
8 Virtual photographer (www.optikvervelabs.com free download plugins for PS)
Load -> bronzed.vph with correction of variable parameters… (as you like)
9 ‘Harry Behret’s method’: copy layer/ ‘Multiply’ blending mode / Blur-> Gaussian blur (3.0)
10 Set opacity of this layer to 29%
11 New layer
12 Rectangular Marquee / Invert (Ctrl+I)
13 Select -> Feather (10-15)
14 Fill with black 2-3 times
15 Put you ©
16 Ctrl+E
17 Save for web: JPEG/High/ Quality 65 /Blur 0 / Progressive

Sorry for my English,
I do have a question. After reading your workflow directions, why do you resize the picture and then do all the retouching on it? It doesn't degrade the image? I use PSP 9, but I think the process would still be the same.
Great work! I love your portraits
"Be strong, courageous and get to work. Don't be frightened by the size of the task, because the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly." 1 Chronicles 28:20
Spasibo (Thank you in Russian) Stacey!
I make it this way:
1. I make FIRST edition to original file (cleaning skin as usual) and this file becomes my original.
2. I use different 'approaches' to web photos and prints...
For example, I like both versions of one photo:
with some noise
it has an 'old photos' style...
I used it for print version...
Any other questions?
This is very informative. But, I don't understand the marquee part. I don't see a vignette effect. How far out does the marquee go? Did the black fill create the sepia tone?
I also wonder about the gausian blur layer. Did you blur the whole photo after sharpening it with unsharp mask. I often blur then use a mask to unblur certain parts. You always have such nice sharp eyes in your photos that I wonder about the blur. Of course this is not a close-up shot, so maybe it is different. I like the "old photo" look you have created here. Very nice.
I went back and looked again. I see the vignette effect in the second photo. Now I understand that is the only one you are referring to. Sorry to be so slow. I like the way the color is intensified in your final version. I like the drawing on the wall also. The background certainly adds interest to the photo in this one. Very good choice. I try to learn from your wonderful portraits.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
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thanks for posting
Merry Christmas
~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
I gave it a try on this one. I thought it came out pretty cool. But maybe a bit over-stylized.
He liked it enough to order one to frame for his mom for Christmas.
That has to count for something, no? :-)
Merry Christmas
~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
neat stuff-
Thanks so much for the tutorial.
My first attempt:
New Portfolio
Bronzed Version
Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and expertise..............