How to add a Homepage link to all of my photo Galleries
I have 12 photo galleries on my homepage ( I would like to add a link to my Homepage in each of them, so that when a viewer is looking at one of my Galleries they can choose this link and return to my Homepage. How do I do this? Thanks!!
You can add a Breadcrumb content element to All Galleries. It includes a home icon that will take the viewer back to your homepage.
That will only help if your galleries are not set to "hide owner". Right now it looks like your galleries are set to hide you - as seen by the URL of your galleries reverting to If you don't reset that setting, you will not see the breadcrumb on your galleries.
See the help page Hide account owner information for a gallery for information on the setting.
With the galleries set not to "hide owner", you can also set up your logo block to link back to your home page.
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks. How do I reset the "hide owner"? After doing that, how do I set up a Breadcrumb to all Galleries? Thanks.
As noted in the help page linked in my post above, the HIDE OWNER setting is on the SECURITY & SHARING tab of the gallery settings.
To add a breadcrumb to your galleries:
Musings & ramblings at