Smart Gallery features / Star Ratings

Hi, I've already voted on the official feature requests page, but I though I'd mention my wishes here as well.
Smart Gallery enhancements:
Smart Gallery enhancements:
- separate the points: "Include my unlisted/password protected galleries."
For example I use unlisted galleries for content in my home page carousel and I'd love to have these galleries excluded from Smart Gallery search - but I want password protected galleries included in the search. - in Gallery Settings the ability to exclude a gallery from Smart Gallery search (this would solve my first problem)
- and I'll cast another vote for adding folders to selection criteria
- I'd like to be able to hide a photo in a smart gallery without it hiding in the original gallery
- have SM recognize Lightroom's ratings so photo rating could be an additional smart gallery criteria
AFAIK none of these points have ever been incorporated into the smart gallery feature list. Right now the point that's pressing for me is the last one. It would save me a lot of work if SM could read the rating from the EXIF data and let me use that as a criterion for Smart Galleries.
@leftquark: on a scale of 1 to 10, what are the chances of this feature being added in the foreseeable future?
Cheers, Sara
Hi Sara,
We'd love to be able to put some attention on Smart Galleries but our focus is elsewhere right now. It's certainly important to us to be able to help you organize your photos as easily as possible, so it's very possible we'd work on this one day. In the near future, though, we're working on some other things.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Thanks, Aaron for the quick response, even though it was not the one I'd hoped for.
I realize it might be hard to get Smugmug to recognize the Lightroom ratings, but it would be nice if the sync plugin offered an automatic mapping of ratings and flags to keywords specified by the user, along the lines of what I am doing already.
@ccampbell Thanks for the suggestion. I'm aware I could do this but this is exactly what I'm hoping to avoid - me having to jump through hoops as opposed to SM filtering the existing EXIF data.
@leftquark that the Lightroom Plugin-API issue is off the table for me, I can shift my attention to another sorely-needed missing feature. What are the chances of this feature getting bumped in priority between now and say.... the day hell freezes over....
I also use keywords "star1" - "star5" to apply my ratings to photos on SM, as previously mentioned in a comment. My used photo management software is Digikam extended by the ability to automatically add the rating keyword based on the regular rating functionality offered in Digikam