Commissioning a custom SmugMug design?

Despite my best efforts and SmugMug's intuitive interface, I still seem to be struggling to get a very basic design that I have in mind. A Google search came up with one person who does custom sites, but I'm not terribly keen on it. Are there any other resources I'm missing for custom work? Does this forum support this type of request?
Hi and welcome to DGrin!
If you can include a link to your site and specifics on what you'd like to do, the customization helpers here should be able to take a closer look.
SmugMug Support Hero
I don't know what the minimum post count is, but you should be able to post your site name as text as opposed to as a clickable link. Instead of posting the full URL try something like: www dot dgrin dot com.
Musings & ramblings at
Got it! My site is paperbirdcreative.smugmug DOT com.
My site is a hot mess right now from playing around, but I've uploaded a mockup of how I'd like the Homepage and Gallery pages to look, as well as the specs to the Assets (Page Backgrounds) gallery. It's basically a standard left-aligned navigation menu with a single image spanning the home page, and a mosaic of images for each gallery.
Homepage mockup: paperbirdcreative.smugmug DOT com/Assets/Page-Backgrounds/i-TjKbDGg
Gallery page mockup: paperbirdcreative.smugmug DOT com/Assets/Page-Backgrounds/i-zv9KCd3
Start by creating your left-aligned navigation menu on Entire Site.
Place your logo on the top and create a menu content element below it. Define the menu content element items to point to the designated pages / galleries on your site.
On Homepage, specify the background photo.
Clean up the site by removing the smugmug header and footer.
The closest gallery style to your mosaic of images is one of the collage styles, either collage landscape or collage portrait. Set each of your galleries to the desired style. If all galleries are to be the same style, set that as your default style. To select the default style, and to customize each of the gallery styles:
Musings & ramblings at
Well...despite my best efforts, I give up.
I get close but not quite where I need to be. I am able to offer adequate compensation if one of the talented members here would be interested in assisting me. Below are mockups (created in Photoshop) of my envisioned site design. I am now able to send and receive messages on the forum, so please send me a convo if you would like to discuss further. I'm really at my wits end; I'm a graphic designer but not a coder....
Hey guys - ping me with the issues that you are having with your designs and I will try to help.