Iframe smugmug video on blogger : responsive ?
I use an iframe to post a smugmug video on blogger ant it works well.
I use
except that the video is not responsive. ( on mobile)
I try to use tips on internet and use a video container :
.video-container {
position: relative;
max-width: 100%;
margin: 20px auto;
padding-bottom: 56%;
padding-top: 30px;
overflow: hidden;
height: auto;
.video-container iframe,
.video-container object,
.video-container embed {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100% ;
height: 100%;
but its seems to work on Youtube video and not on smugmug iframe video.
Any ideas ?
The blog is still private, I can not show it.
I can use severals video iframe width according to the screen but there may be more simple.
HI - I have no issues with videos in wordpress which are hosted via SmugMug (and images as well).
(Wordpress site with images and videos from SmugMug)
Unfortunately - Blogger has a lot of limitations - jerryr
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Hi Etienne,
For us to be able to take a closer look, we'd need a link to an example page on where you embedded the video so we could also take a look at the specific code used.
If you don't wish to share a link publicly, please contact the SmugMug HelpDesk with details.
SmugMug Support Hero
ok thanks. I will notify when the blog will be public .
Hey Etienne, I have just reported this as a bug. We will let you know once this has been fixed.