Error connection to Twitter and Facebook

Giovanni_BertagnaGiovanni_Bertagna Registered Users Posts: 19 Big grins
This is my first post, thanks for accepting me :-)

We come to the question.
I set up my profile on and tried to connect to Twitter and Facebook but it gives me back an error.
What am I doing wrong?

Follow me on Diario Fotografico (Photo Diary) and Blog



  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited November 2, 2018

    Welcome to Dgrin, Giovanni. What was the error message? It might also be helpful to know which browser and operating system you are using.

  • Giovanni_BertagnaGiovanni_Bertagna Registered Users Posts: 19 Big grins
    You are right :-)
    Windows 10 (1803), Chrome browser (v.70)

    From this profile page if I click on Connect (Facebook), the page opens with this text:
    "error": {
    "message": "Missing client_id parameter.",
    "type": "OAuthException",
    "code": 101,
    "fbtrace_id": "CZHOlEmJF67"

    While for Twitter I get this:
    {"errors":[{"code":215,"message":"Bad Authentication data."}]}

    Follow me on Diario Fotografico (Photo Diary) and Blog

  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator

    I don't know what's causing this, but I have opened a support ticket with the vendor of our forum software and will get back to you once I get an answer. Sorry you're having so many difficulties, but hopefully we'll get it all sorted out before long.

  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator

    Hey Giovanni,
    It turns out that the social media connection options were turned on by mistake before they were actually working. Our fault, not yours. We've turned them off for now and are discussing whether we really want to offer them in the future. Thanks again for your patience.

  • Giovanni_BertagnaGiovanni_Bertagna Registered Users Posts: 19 Big grins
    Thanks for the support.
    The ability to share on social networks could be interesting to promote this community ;-)

    Follow me on Diario Fotografico (Photo Diary) and Blog

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