Private Vimeo link on Page in SmugMug

I would like to link to a video on Vimeo on a Page in SmugMug. I add the appropriate content block.
The privacy setting in Vimeo is: "People with the private link". This does not work. In SmugMug I get the error: "Video is private or does not exist".
The alternative --which I try to avoid is to password protect the video in Vimeo and make the password the same as the SmugMug-Page (which is password-protected).
All assistance is appreciated, Thanks from Germany, Walter.
The privacy setting in Vimeo is: "People with the private link". This does not work. In SmugMug I get the error: "Video is private or does not exist".
The alternative --which I try to avoid is to password protect the video in Vimeo and make the password the same as the SmugMug-Page (which is password-protected).
All assistance is appreciated, Thanks from Germany, Walter.
On Vimeo, select Settings for that video and go to the General tab. Scroll down. Have you set "Where can this be embedded?" to "Specific Domains"? If not, do so, and enter your SmugMug domain in the box below. When I do that on my Vimeo site, I can successfully embed a private Vimeo video into SmugMug. If I don't do that, the private link fails in SmugMug for me in the same way as it did for you.
The only problem with embedding a private Vimeo in Smugmug is that then anyone with access to the SmugMug page can see the video. You may have lost some privacy unless you also protect the SmugMug page.
I tried it now. It works. In Vimeo I had tried your approach before but forgot to press <Return> after I input the domain name. Now it is visible below the entry field.