Logo is slightly pixelated on mobile site, how to fix this?
Hello my website can be found at https://shop.tubemapper.com/
On desktop the logo image looks nice and sharp, however when viewing on my mobile the logo image is pixelated slightly. Do I need to upload the logo at a certain size or are there other tricks to fix this?
Firstly, just want to say, I'm gonna have a good time exploring around your site
I've been watching a lot of Geoff Marshall YT videos lately, so developing a bit of fascination with the Underground (despite having lived in London before).
Anyway, I'm not seeing any pixelation as such with your logo, but it does appear a bit fuzzy viewed on desktop (Tested in Chrome, Safari & Firefox on Retina Macbook Pro @ 1920x1200). On my phone (OnePlus6) it appears perfectly sharp.
I've had similar issues with my logo, as I use a text logo its important to have the fonts appear perfectly sharp. Not sure exactly what the secret is, but I upload a PNG at twice the resolution I intend to resize it to. My logo is set to 400px wide, so I uploaded an 800px wide PNG file, if that makes sense. It's now perfectly sharp when viewed on mobile and in Safari/Chrome & Firefox, but still looks like fuzz when I tried viewing it in Edge and Internet Explorer on Windows 10 (but who cares about those browsers anyway haha).
So maybe try creating a few versions of your logo at various sizes, upload them and have a play around with setting them as your logo and using 'Image Resize' to scale them down and see which one looks the sharpest.
*edit - Just checked your site in Win 10 using Edge and Chrome - looks fine, just the text could be ever so slightly sharper, but I'm nitpicking. In short, your logo looks perfectly fine to other viewers
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Thanks Shinrya
I upped the size of the logo and downscaled and it all looks good. I will play with this a little when I get time to optimise the size as best as possible. Thanks for your help.
In regards to Geoff Marshall, I'm actually briefly in one of his videos. It's when he visited Southgate station when it was renamed to Gareth Southgate