Lightroom Plugin: Upload Failed for 2GB Video

The LR-SM plugin is giving me an error when I attempt to publish a video that is just a hair over 2GB (2.08 GB). The duration of the video is 19:58. I can upload the large video successfully to Smugmug if I bypass Lightroom, and use the Chrome uploader.
I am using the latest release of the plugin, the latest release of Lightroom CC Classic (v8.1), on Windows 10. The video is mp4/h.264 formatted. I have used the plugin to successfully upload hundreds of smaller videos of the same video format.
I tried two different video upload options in the plugin, and each option produced a different error message. If I chose "original" for the upload, the error message was cryptically "upload failed". If I chose "h.264" for the upload, the error message was less cryptic (but still baffling): "video larger than 3GB".
I have attached a log file.
** Update on 12/22: @leftquark I am definitely noticing that this might be a 2 GB boundary problem. Out of 240 videos that I uploaded yesterday, 4 videos failed to upload. These are the 4 largest videos, ranging in size from 2.00GB to 2.42GB. The largest video that I successfully uploaded is 1.92GB.
Thanks @DuaneA. David, our LR Developer is out for the moment but when he returns I'll try to find some time for him to take a poke at this.
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