Posting links

OutdoorsAddict2OutdoorsAddict2 Registered Users Posts: 24 Big grins
Hi guys,

I've just had to create a new account due to the email I used on my old one (OutdoorsAddict) not working any more, so I couldn't reset my account password.

Of course this means now I can't post new photos for people to look at! Which is a bit frustrating as you can imagine. Do I still need to post a minimum number of posts before I can do this, or is there a way I could be fast tracked?


  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator

    You should be able to post pics now. If you can't, try logging off and logging in again, and let us know if that fails.

  • OutdoorsAddict2OutdoorsAddict2 Registered Users Posts: 24 Big grins
    Fantastic, thanks! I'll give it a go!
  • OutdoorsAddict2OutdoorsAddict2 Registered Users Posts: 24 Big grins
    Nope, still not working.
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator

    Ooops, I posted that too soon. Try again (and remember to log off/on first). It might not take effect till tomorrow--the documentation is a little unclear. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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