Gallery Smart Rules Conflict(?)

I have created a 'Smart Gallery' with the rules defined as seen in the attached. The goal is to make it something of a 'Recent Work' gallery. But there are some images I'd like to exclude from the gallery.
The issue I'm experiencing involves the use of the 2 keywords. If I include both as seen here, none of the images utilizing either keyword are NOT excluded. I may as well just remove the keyword rules entirely as they're effectively not serving the desired goa.
If I remove either one of those rules, the images with the remaining keyword are excluded as desired. I did search some online help and found an article indicating we shouldn't try to define > 1 keyword per line rule.
So, what's a person to do?
Thanks up front for any feedback.
You can probably get this to work using two smart galleries. Use the first one to set the source gallery, date range, and first keyword to exclude. Then create a second gallery (the one you'll actually visit) using the first gallery as the source and the second keyword to exclude.
The smart rules have some serious limitations, but sometimes you can get creative and find a workaround.
Thanks! That would work. I guess I've been fortunate in that this is the first time I've encountered an issue with the SR. And thank goodness for that as my site lives and breathes around 'smart' galleries.