Confused with smugmug/ lightroom plugin?
I have tried in the past to understand the 'newer' smugmug plugin. For years I use to use Jefferys plugin without issues. This one seems to be completely different. Usually my workflow was to edit my images & then export to the gallery I wanted. The new one I started going through & It did not let me create a new a gallery or anything like that. Is this not possible? Also it has been saying 'syncing hierarchy and media' for over 30 minutes- what does this mean? Where are my photo's going? I have looked & have not found anything to actually explain how this works, I think I'm just use to jeffs & this is confusing me!
All I'm wanting to do is export a select amount of edited images into a new gallery that is created by the plugin.
Canon Ti1
Canon 30D
Tamron 17-50/2.8
Sigma 30/1.4
Canon 55-250
Canon 85 1.8
Canon Ti1
Canon 30D
Tamron 17-50/2.8
Sigma 30/1.4
Canon 55-250
Canon 85 1.8
The “Syncing” process does 2 things:
1) It grabs all your folders and galleries from SmugMug to let Lightroom know what exists. This enables you to create new folders and galleries from within the plugin in the right folder of your choosing.
2) Checks every photo on SmugMug against your photos in your Lightroom catalog and connects them if it finds the same photo in both LR and SM. This allows you to easily republish (re-upload) any photo that you edit after uploading to SM. This is one of my favorite features because it means I don’t have to keep track of which photos I’ve edited but forgot to upload to SM. It knows which photos have been published and which have need to be republished. This step can take some time if you have a lot of photos in SM or have a large LR catalog.
If you don’t want to wait for the sync to finish you could cancel it, go into the Plugin settings and disable “Sync photos” (but leave “Sync Folders & Galleries”). The sync will be really quick, will grab your folders and galleries, and then let you create a new gallery as you desire.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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