
in Landscapes
Where I live, these are all around. Criticism is always welcome.
I always find saguaros fascinating, maybe because I don't see them very often.
The second photo is my favorite, I like the focus on the front cactus while the background cactus is still in focus.
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I really like the third one with the spot of light on the main saguaro. The first one is fantastic - my fave.. The eye follows up the hill to the point and all the saguaro flood the scene and the bit of blossom on the prominent saguaro is a plus. I find these things the hardest to photograph...I mean...what do you do with it? LOL.... They are what they are....
Denise, Anna-Maria, thanks.
Eia, I think saguaros are hard to photograph for several reasons. One is that they jut into a sky that is usually blue and empty. I've taken to looking for partly cloudy days, which are rare in May and June, and saguaros on sloping ground.
Light and framing on #3 is your specialty!!
Thanks, Taz. I'm always looking for the right light and now and then I find it.
Cornflake, these are very nice images you have made of the saguaros. Years ago I lived in Tucson near the Saguaro National Monument. I've attached an old image I made too many years ago to count. Tell me about your thoughts as you made your pictures.
Fig1, that's an impressive saguaro and you certainly lived in a beautiful area.
"Tell me about your thoughts as you made your pictures." That's tough to do and the answer isn't very interesting. I'm usually looking for something that catches my eye and that seems to encapsulate something about the area. When I see a potential subject, I start thinking about whether it would make a good photo. If so, I start thinking about where I should stand, how I should frame it, what kind of depth of field would be best, and all the other choices that have to be made before we shoot. Don't know if that's what you meant.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think we all go through a similar process when making images. I believe the big breakthrough for us as photographers comes when this happens without us being conscious of it; it, becoming second nature to us. I feel (at least for myself) this is the moment when our images reach a point when they become an extension of our person. In other words, the photographs we make posses something of ourselves, a step toward some greater level of achievement both personally and photographically. I believe we as people want to reach for that which is greater than ourselves, to become more than what we are at the moment. As photographers, we choose to express this desire through the images we make. What we create speaks to how we have lived our lives, what's important to us, what makes us who we are right now and what we seek to become in the future. Didn't intend to pontificate just got a little carried away. Anyway thanks again for your images and sharing your thoughts. Aloha!