Download Files Pricing
Hello, I have just joined the Grinners are Winners team. I am currently setting up my Smugmug website with the hopeful intention of selling some of my photographs. I would like these to be downloadable rather than printed. I am not a professional photographer, merely a very keen learner of 2 years experience, so my images aren't as eye popping as some I have already seen on this site. Does anyone out there have any suggestions regarding pricing for .3mp; 1mp, 4mp and the original size of 24mpixel. I would love to make some money so I can keep purchasing photography equipment, but know I won't get rich doing what I love just yet, so keen to set reasonable prices but not give aways! Many thanks for any feedback. Have a great day - Glenda :) (it would appear my original discussion wasn't done correctly.... learning the hard way as usual!)
This question might be better in the Mind your own Business category where you can ask pricing recommendations. This category is for asking actual logistical support questions about using SmugMug.