client cannot get her download link

I've got a client that cannot seem to access her download link, from her downloadable gallery on my smugmug site. I have no idea why she keeps getting the "invalid email" alert, but smugmug will not send her download link. She says she has tried 3 different emails and keeps getting the same "invalid email" message. I'm not sure what to tell her. I logged out of my website and tried it myself today, using my email address, and it does not give me the "invalid email" message, and it sent me the download link, just fine. Again, like I said, she told me that she tried 3 different email addresses though and none of them worked for her. I'll attach screenshots of the messages she sent me. What can be done about this?
This is the gallery that she is trying to download from:
EDIT- I THOUGHT I HAD THE ISSUE RESOLVED FOR CLIENT. I TRIED TYPING IN HER EMAIL ADDRESS FOR HER TODAY, WHILE I WAS LOGGED OUT OF MY SITE, AND IT WORKED JUST FINE. BUT now she cannot open the link that was sent to her email!!! What is going on? She says she has tried opening on both computer and cell phone and she has tried switching to Firefox and none of them work. She gets an error that says: The website declined to show this webpage. When switching to Firefox, she gets an error that says: The proxy server is refusing connections. I have no idea what to do at this point. My client says she has tried on a work computer and a home computer and she gets the same results on both. She has also retried going to her gallery on smugmug today to download images and still gets the "invalid email" error, so she cannot get the link sent to her. Help!
EDIT 2- it's now several days later and I've got an upset client. She had to manually download each image one by one because the pop up window for the entire gallery, will not accept any of her email addresses to send her the link. I'm still needing help on this. I have to edit 5 more images to send to her. Can we get the site to accept her email address or not???
My client still cannot get her entire gallery to download. I even created a second gallery for her to try and that did not work either. She had to manually download each photo one by one! Guys!!! Any help here. This is going to cost me a client because she's really frustrated that she can't do it. She also purchased 5 additional images from me and I'm editing those. She will need to be able to download those as well. I need some help here.
I would contact SmugMug Help Desk and not the forums.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Thanks Mike. How do I do that? I'll look for a link for that. I didn't see one initially. I'll check again.
I just found the help desk. I'll try that.