You can now upload HEIC/HEIF files to SmugMug

iPhones and iPads began saving photos as .heic files starting in iOS11. Photos taken on most phones started to have a .HEIC extension instead of .JPG. Initially, iOS11 would automatically convert all .HEIC files to .JPG, but that stopped in iOS12 and iOS13.
As of this afternoon you can now upload HEIC/HEIF files to SmugMug
- The web, iOS, Android, Windows and macOS apps will accept HEIC files in the uploader
- HEIC files will be uploaded to SmugMug and converted to high quality JPG. Display copies (JPG’s) will be displayed, as if a JPG was uploaded.
- HEIC files cannot be re-downloaded. Downloading the "Original" will be a JPG.
- LivePhotos will discard the moving (movie) portion of the photo. Only the still image will be saved.
- SloMo videos will be displayed in real-time (not slow motion).
- HEIC photos that are edited on an iPhone will upload a JPG photo, which contains the edits. The HEIC version of the photo is lost when the photo is edited (this is an Apple limitation)3
dGrin Afficionado
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Just a little tidbit... At least as of iOS 12.4.1, the automatic conversion wasn't exactly "stopped" -- it just became optional. To turn it ON: Settings > Photos > Transfer to Mac or PC > Automatic.