Atget revisited

Yesterday's NYT had an article about a cool project. Hopefully, you can see it here (apologies if it's paywalled for you). They sent photographer Mauricio Lima to Paris to shoot many of the locations that Eugène Atget captured around a hundred years ago. Atget shot early in the morning and only rarely included people. The coronavirus lockdown created a rare opportunity to see Paris with very few people today. I found it remarkable how many of the scenes were essentially unchanged from then till now. Check it out.
Was behind the NYTIMES paywall. I searched and found a Facebook post with his name "and Atget." There was another link to the NYTIMES story, which I clicked and it worked without kicking me out. Very interesting story. Amazing that many scenes have not changed much in the century that spans the photos.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Maybe you could post that link?
To get to the Facebook comparison page of Atget vs Lima (teaser), try:
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
If you just want to look at the The Metropolitan Museum of Art, "Eugène Atget" collection, try:!/search?q=Eug%C3%A8ne%20Atget
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums