Milky Way - Zion National Park

I had gone to Zion to shoot the Milky Way a couple of days ago. I arrived at the location around 7 PM and had to wait until 1 AM for the Milky Way to be angled the way I wanted it to be in my composition. However, around midnight, clouds rolled in and I could not get the shot. I went again last night and this time, the conditions were perfect. I was the only one in that area, so it was nice and quiet too.
Nikon D850 and Nikon 14-24mm lens.
Thanks for looking.
Its GREAT!! You have successfully resisted the temptation to brighten the fg or non-sky area! I would have brightened it some but this is more realistic! Cheers Nikhil!
This is wonderful!
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I actually struggled a lot with this one. I got feedback asking me to brighten it up way more and I tried it, but I feel it looks really artificial for some reason. I did end up brightening it just a little (the updated photo is brighter) - do you think it is too much?
Thanks Denise.
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Its perfect as is! Cheers
Nikhil - Love this one. At first I wished I could see more of the foreground, but then continuing to look at it I realized that the Milky Way was the subject and should be the standout in the shot. Great eye and technical ability. And by the way, your site holds some incredible photos.
Book 2:
Gotcha! Thanks much.
Yeah I am with you. I initially wanted to brighten it even more (and got some feedback from a few folks that wanted to see more) - but then decided that I wanted just enough to know what the FG is as the focus (as you rightly pointed out) is on the Milky Way. And thanks for the kind words about the website.
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Have you tried PhotoPills' Milkyway Planner feature? It's awesome!
Hi Ian - yes and I love it. In fact, I used it here too.
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