Results Mini Challenge # 303 "Devices indicating the time, or the passage of time"

Thanks all for entering in this mini, good to see the regulars here but in general the mini's are getting more quiet. But the quality was certainly there and that's more important.
First some comments:
@JAG : Great start, very beautiful executed still life in the first and a wonderful story to go with it. I'm amazed at the lack of numbers on the clock in Rome
@Cavalier : I love the sundial bridge, what a clever idea. Where is the dial or numbers that you can read the (approximate) time? The station master shot is well done as well.
@grandmaR : All three very special clocks and I love the stories you told with them, thanks for sharing all that
@sarasphotos : I like the special clock in Padua, no minute hand and 24 hours, and then the zodiac and moon phases on the inside. It's a pity the submerged village clock doesn't show the time any more.
@DavidRGillespie : The first is placed in a beautiful building, looks a bit the same style as the Peace Palace in the Hague. The third reminded me that I have some watches (nothing special but with emotional value) that I need to take similar beauty shots of.
@sapphire73 : I really like the photo from Speyer, the B&W conversion fits the scene and mood well.
@lkbart : Nice series, the first is quite a showpiece, I can imagine it makes an impression on you when you see it your whole life. And the Granddaugter clock is another masterpiece and well captured.
And now for the "winners"
Third place is for @Cavalier with the sundial bridge
Second place is awarded to @sapphire73 with the B&W from Speyer
And the winner is the beautiful still life from @JAG with the watch and remembrance medal, indicating the passage of time in multiple ways
Congrats to all for entering as well as the three I finally picked (it wasn't easy picking the winners), and Joyce, looking forward to what you come up with next
My SmugMug
Thanks for the 3rd place, Pieter. And congratulations for a good mini. Joyce, love the watch photo!
Book 2:
Thanks for the good comments, Pieter and for giving me more ideas of photo subjects. Joyce; I too loved your watch photo. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Thanks for the comments Pieter @pegelli and congrats to @JAG for first and @sapphire73 and @Cavalier for second and third. Great images all. looking forward to the next mini
Dave Gillespie
Thank you, Pieter @pegelli for the second place. And congratulations to @JAG and @Cavalier for first and third. Lots of great images for this unusual topic. I was surprised to see how many photos I had taken (in Europe) that fit this theme in one way or another!
My SmugMug Galleries
Thanks for running this mini and for a different subject. And congratulations to Joyce - I loved the pocket watch photo.
Thank you @pegelli Pieter. Sorry for my late delay, I've been out of town since last Thursday and was hoping another mod would pin the results for me, but alas, everyone has lives outside this forum! Anyway, I am now back in town and will get a challenge up ASAP. Thank you Pieter for the first place win and congrats to the runner ups!
Great challenge, comments & choices of winner & runner ups! Congrats to Joyce, Gretchen & Jo! Beautiful shots!
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .