smugmug says they will send a link to help change a password
I have been chatting with Jen for 3 hours now because I have not get a link to change my password, The link they are supposed to send you is broken and it will take you 3 or more hours to get it changed, Jen worked with me on it and failed each time, good luck all if you forget your password
if you loose your password dont worry they say click on link and it will go to your email address, well it took me 4 hours now with Jen who does not know a think about websites to help change a password, it took her over 4 hours now to help if she even did which I doubt it, how can you have these people host your pics if it takes them 4 hours to change a password?
still have not got my password working, I got the link but it still does not work what a deal that is I have no access to my website
I recommend that you work directly with the SmugMug help desk. While support staff check in here periodically you will get more immediate support by contacting them directly.
As noted in the article you can email them at
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