unwanted watermark/copyright notice
I am using (Mac version) LightRoom classic since about last October, which adds my watermark to my photos when they are output from LightRoom. The Lightroom watermarks are working fine in SmugMug (Basic Account). But since about September or October of 2021, when I view the photo in SmugMug, it seems that SmugMug is adding another copyright which comes on in the lower left corner, along with the shopping cart icon in the lower right corner. This shows up when I pass the cursor over a photo, then it disappears, but reappears and persists if I select the photo. This watermark consists of the copyright symbol and my name (ronshrieves). I am assuming that SmugMug is adding this watermark, and I would like to disable it. As a “Basic” user of SmugMug, I have not been able to find out how to disable this feature. Can you help?
You might want to contact SmugMug support for help with this issue.
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