sigma 24-70 vs canon 24-70 vs sigma

I would like to buy a Canon 24-70 lens but can't spend that amount of money right now. I was told to go with Sigma 24-70. I tried a Sigma 24-60 and wasn't impressed, so I was wondering the difference between the Sigma 24-60 and the sigma 24-70
I originally had a Sigma 24-70 and wasn't happy with it. It would hunt in low light and the IQ was so-so. I wound up buying a second-hand Canon 28-70L and I've been super-happy - sharp, fast AF, beautiful IQ. If you don't need the 24mm on the wide end, check the B&S forum for a used 28-70.
mine is very sharp and focus is good. For $400 new it was a good purchase, no regrets. Someday I'll upgrade to the 24-70L but I have also read that there are good and bad copies of this lens as well.
1D MarkIII, 16-35L, 28-70L, 70-200f2.8L, 50 f1.4, 300/f2.8L 1.4xL, 2XIIL (2)580EX, supporting cast of other stuff
I haven't used the Sigmas but can say the Canon is worth the money. There are several for sale right now over at FM, some for quite good prices.
I'm not sure what's up with the people who feel they need to go through 6 copies, mine was perfect out of the box and a buddy's copy is also fine.
I recently took some pictures in a bar, ISO 1600, shutter speeds of 1/20-1/100 at f/2.8. It only hunted a couple of times on me, but it was pretty dark. They're here if you want to see some samples. Straight out of the camera, not edited at all. I'm a Photoshop newb :cry The last few are in there because someone wanted to see them, not because I particularly liked them
I took some close up macro style of some flowers that I liked as well, but haven't posted. I can't reember what the macro factor is (what is that number called? the 1:X)
I've been happy with the color and saturation out of the lens, and the weight or size are bigger than the kit, but you're getting much better glass.
The one drawback for me has been the 82mm filter size. But spending 375 on the lens, and then $200 on a UV and CPL is better than 900 on a lens alone. The price from Sigma4Less with shipping was better than the price from B&H or Adorama or Amazon. Not sure if that's changed recently.
Good Luck with your choice.
I have a Tokina 24-70 f/2.8 Pro thats for sale ( $565) and a great lens , clean.
Franklin, NC