Nothin's moving! Sheesh! Makes me glad Ive been spending my time on RDO!
I've not been around as much as usual. Work has been brutal and the little free time I have goes to re-editing some pictures for my redesigned pro site. It's amazing how much I've learned from this forum. I can post some before & after shots if anyone is interested.
I've not been around as much as usual. Work has been brutal and the little free time I have goes to re-editing some pictures for my redesigned pro site. It's amazing how much I've learned from this forum. I can post some before & after shots if anyone is interested.
It's still a work in progress & it could be another week or two before I'm done tweaking things. I appreciate any feedback.
A good start. I think you ought to give the goldengate a separate category as some of the shots are really landscapes and some are architecture but all are the Golden Gate.
Also I really like on your personal site.
Charles Richmond IT & Security Consultant
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
A good start. I think you ought to give the goldengate a separate category as some of the shots are really landscapes and some are architecture but all are the Golden Gate.
Also I really like on your personal site.
Great idea. I was trying to figure out how I would distinguish between the bridge architecture and landscape shots.
I appreciate your feedback and will make the changes tonight.
Great idea. I was trying to figure out how I would distinguish between the bridge architecture and landscape shots.
I appreciate your feedback and will make the changes tonight.
When/if I go pro, I will be asking for lots of advice and I am sure you will help me much more than my small suggestions help you. Your work is very impressive!
Charles Richmond IT & Security Consultant
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
Hey Hey hey! Whoa there! Whoever said anyone could make this thread relevant!?!?
I mean, all it took was a couple of posts and you guys already have a conversation running! Now that should be the definition of an enthusiast!
Well, atleast Im glad that in all my bumitudedness something good came of this pester-some post!
Nice site by the way, Dave! "What they said!"
No really; your photography style is exactly the same thing I wish I could emulate... Profound and--really quite frankly--stunning. Its like narcotics for your eyes. Totally serious. Plus, it helps to live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world!
When/if I go pro, I will be asking for lots of advice and I am sure you will help me much more than my small suggestions help you. Your work is very impressive!
Thanks for the kind words. I wouldn't consider myself a pro, just an enthusiast. I bought the pro site for more control over the layout and to put my domain name to use. More than anything else, it just makes me feel cool
Thanks again for the suggestions. I've added the photo you suggested too
Hey Hey hey! Whoa there! Whoever said anyone could make this thread relevant!?!?
I mean, all it took was a couple of posts and you guys already have a conversation running! Now that should be the definition of an enthusiast!
Well, atleast Im glad that in all my bumitudedness something good came of this pester-some post!
Nice site by the way, Dave! "What they said!"
No really; your photography style is exactly the same thing I wish I could emulate... Profound and--really quite frankly--stunning. Its like narcotics for your eyes. Totally serious. Plus, it helps to live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world!
We did take this thread off topic a bit didn't we...haha
Living in San Francisco is great. I don't think I'll ever run out of things to shoot & places to eat. I must have put on 20 pounds since I've moved here. My wine consumption has also increased since discovering all the great wineries in Napa/Sonoma. I moved here from a small farming community in the Midwest. I can't say I miss the area, just my friends and family.
One thing Dave; the site address isn't hyperlinked correctly, i can't click and go to your site now, only if i copy it. Too need people on your fab pro site!
One thing Dave; the site address isn't hyperlinked correctly, i can't click and go to your site now, only if i copy it. Too need people on your fab pro site!
Thanks for the tip. I actually changed it the other night, but I guess I didn't hit the save button after I previewed it.
I've not been around as much as usual. Work has been brutal and the little free time I have goes to re-editing some pictures for my redesigned pro site. It's amazing how much I've learned from this forum. I can post some before & after shots if anyone is interested.
Let me know what you think of the site:
It's still a work in progress & it could be another week or two before I'm done tweaking things. I appreciate any feedback.
Dave (gallery)
Also I really like
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
Great idea. I was trying to figure out how I would distinguish between the bridge architecture and landscape shots.
I appreciate your feedback and will make the changes tonight.
Dave (gallery)
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
I mean, all it took was a couple of posts and you guys already have a conversation running! Now that should be the definition of an enthusiast!
Well, atleast Im glad that in all my bumitudedness something good came of this pester-some post!
Nice site by the way, Dave! "What they said!"
No really; your photography style is exactly the same thing I wish I could emulate... Profound and--really quite frankly--stunning. Its like narcotics for your eyes. Totally serious. Plus, it helps to live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world!
Thanks for the kind words. I wouldn't consider myself a pro, just an enthusiast. I bought the pro site for more control over the layout and to put my domain name to use. More than anything else, it just makes me feel cool
Thanks again for the suggestions. I've added the photo you suggested too
Dave (gallery)
We did take this thread off topic a bit didn't we...haha
Living in San Francisco is great. I don't think I'll ever run out of things to shoot & places to eat. I must have put on 20 pounds since I've moved here. My wine consumption has also increased since discovering all the great wineries in Napa/Sonoma. I moved here from a small farming community in the Midwest. I can't say I miss the area, just my friends and family.
Dave (gallery)
Thanks for the tip. I actually changed it the other night, but I guess I didn't hit the save button after I previewed it.
Dave (gallery)