Hide Breadcrumb Folder

Hi all -
On my site, I would like clients to be able to use the breadcrumb to navigate to their own folder and to the site homepage. However, I have a mid-level 'Client' folder I want to hide.
It currently looks like this for a client of mine named "Rendition Developments":
Home > Client > Rendition Developments
I would like it to look like this:
Home > Rendition Developments
Can I hide this level of the breadcrumb or the 'Client' folder specifically without impacting all of the subfolders? The Client folder is currently set to Visibility: Public and Access: Anyone but I don't want to change those settings if they will change the behaviour of all sub-folders (each of which has their own privacy settings).
Also, as a secondary question - I have the text in my breadcrumb as all-caps 'RENDITION DEVELOPMENTS' but it changes to first-letter-capitalized like 'Rendition Developments' on mouse-over. Any way to correct this?
Thank you in advance for your help.
- Eric
In case anyone else is looking for a solution to this, Tom at Sumgmug provided me with an answer:
Please add a CSS content block to the ALL GALLERIES section and then add this code to it:
.sm-breadcrumb-item:nth-of-type(2) {
display: none;
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