
SOLVED! Gallery link sharing in Facebook

ancarancar Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
edited March 26, 2024 in SmugMug Support

Maybe I'm publishing this in wrong category and maybe this isn't a SmugMug issue at all.
But I'm having problems with the preview in Facebook when sharing a recent gallery from SmugMug.
Galleries created and published prior to March no problems, Facebook showing both preview and gallery name.
Newer galleries generates only a SmugMug link.

There´s a sharing debugger in Facebook and surely it shows that newer galleries (all public of course) doesn't map the title, description or gallery image in Facebook sharing.

Anyone else seen this lately?


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    davedogdavedog Registered Users Posts: 8 Big grins

    Me Too! I reported this to support back on March 6th. They were trying to blame it on me having me settings set to not allow Google to crawl my site. I've had SmugMug setup this way for 14 years. I should not have to expose my site to Google for this to work. After some back and forth it seemed to start working....and they said maybe it was a glitch. Yesterday I tried to post a new gallery. Same issue. I've even set the whole site to be wide open to Google and still doesn't work. Make some noise! Push on support. This is not OK. It's affecting my workflow as people are not wanting to click the link as it no longer looks 'normal' without the preview.

    I've been a very happy paying user for 14 yeas, but this is making me look at my options. I really don't WANT to leave - but this needs to be fixed and we're now at least 3 weeks and getting the run-around.

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    owilliamsowilliams Registered Users Posts: 87 Big grins

    Hi ancar, Oliver here from the SmugMug Support team. Please shoot us a quick email to help@smugmug.com with a link to the gallery you are trying to post so we can test it here and add it to the issue report we have going with our QA team.

    SmugMug Support Hero
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    ancarancar Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins

    @owilliams said:
    Hi ancar, Oliver here from the SmugMug Support team. Please shoot us a quick email to help@smugmug.com with a link to the gallery you are trying to post so we can test it here and add it to the issue report we have going with our QA team.

    Great Oliver! Email on the way soon :smile:

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    ancarancar Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins

    Problem solved! Thanks to SmugMug heroes of the Support team.
    Changing Google search visibility to YES and test in Facebook debug tool (Purge again) and Viola!


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    fergazoidfergazoid Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    I experienced the same issue while evaluating SmugHug with the Trial Plan.
    After an email exchange with a "Support Hero", the answer is:
    "We do not turn on SEO for accounts until the site has been paid for."
    Important to understand while evaluating, of course, that the Trial Plan will not represent a full set of features, even for the least expensive plan.
    Unfortunately, there is no list of what the trial features and limitations are.
    I do like SmugMug, however, and I will probably upgrade and stay!
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    davedogdavedog Registered Users Posts: 8 Big grins

    Flipping these switches has created a privacy nightmare. Look at the traffic jump since:

    So basically, no share thumbnails if you don't have visibility on, but if it's on everything in the world is crawling my photos. This is a horrible change.

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