Song Titles needed, ginger here, with photo
For song titles, a chance to preview and comment on my photos, for a "song".
That is a better price than Rutt's 10D camera, I noted that he is selling.
I do not like rock, heavy metal, rap, etc.............
I do like country, folk, jazz, oldies, very old not the seventies which were only yesterday, really. Etc.
I have been to iTunes and Napster, just don't feel right about it. Just a "song", and you may preview my photos. No song, please cover your eyes,
:rofl :rofl :rofl :scratch :scratch :dunno

That is a better price than Rutt's 10D camera, I noted that he is selling.
I do not like rock, heavy metal, rap, etc.............
I do like country, folk, jazz, oldies, very old not the seventies which were only yesterday, really. Etc.
I have been to iTunes and Napster, just don't feel right about it. Just a "song", and you may preview my photos. No song, please cover your eyes,

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
It was raining, honest, I was on my way to leave, but a boy with his umbrella fishing, it was enough to get my camera a bit wet. No song comes to my mind. Gone Fishin' won't tell this story. And I don't know which photo is better of him, to say the least of whether the others are worth working with more.
I do want to use What A Wonderful World, but where?
More photos, Sat, those were put up on Friday.
Confused in South Carolina,
... (gallery)
my smugmug
Not sure about titles. It's tougher to do the challenge the othr way - try to shoot an image that fits a predetermined song title.
For the second one, how about:
"Don't Rock the Boat"
So I'd like to know where, you got the notion
Said I'd like to know where, you got the notion
To rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby
Rock the boat, don't tip the boat over
Rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby
Rock the boat
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I have a stock collection of photos today, could last me a year, except for the darn dates. I am too tired to trust myself to upload them, or work on them, I think. My fingers hurt, they are getting better. I can only enter one photo????? Gee that is too bad,
Thanks for the song suggestion, I got some from my dog list, too, and they will all be put to use, I am sure. Might use something like Stormy Weather, too. Don't know the words, will find out. I have my camera case emptied, I hope it dries OK and that the lenses are OK. My hearing aids took the worst beating. Fun, though.
Thanks to everyone. I had a fortunate opportunity to photograph this evening.
I have posted one of my photographs on the Song Titles thing. As an entry.
Unless someone has a better suggestion.
I do have a concern. When I was working up my photographs tonight on PS, they did not look as dark as they do now. My monitor tends to be darker than other people's. Are my photographs too dark?
I posted some on the new thread, link, before I posted my entry.
(Of the two bar scenes, I picked the one that showed up best in a thumbnail.)
I do have more photographs to share??????
this is the link to the gallery where I posted some shots from yesterday.
I don't know if that will work, you can't see it.
I am trying to get this to work.
<a href=>Here</a>
It doesn't work, and I tried andy's way with the blue globe, but that didn't work, I should have bought a computer book.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I like the first one and the guy fishing on the pier and the boat called Winds of Fortune. I sent you a PM re some song titles. I looked at your girls in the bar. I like the song Lynne suggested. At first I thought I liked the larger view rather than the close up. But, now I don't know. The close up looks a little brighter and more focused on the subject. The other one just has a big empty room. Yes the close up seems better. Honky Tonk Girls is great. Fits well. It's a good shot. Wish I could get some people. So difficult to do.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I was actually photographing the place, I used two 512 mb cards and the only other I had, a 128 during the day. Actually I wasted a lot of memory on stuff that did not pan out, but I was pretty much into shooting by then. I was shooting and deleting. I noticed that corner bldg that the girls, and boys(did not want to be photographed) were in, but I saw it as a bldg. It was only as I was heavily into photographing and deleting, to get the best, that I was aware of the people. And aware of some photos on the wall, really neat photos, old, of jazz people and stuff.
I went in to look at those, the pictures, I didn't have my hearing aids on, as I wanted to keep them from further water damage. So I was truly deaf. The young people saw me, I told them what I was doing but that I was deaf and couldn't hear a word they said................
Now how is that for forcing someone to let you take their photo. The men ignored me, then disappeared. The girls acted like I wasn't there, oh how nice, then one of them told me I would get better shots from outside. At least I think that was what she was trying to say. I agreed, remember I had zero memory at that point, so I went outside and took a few more precious photos off. Went back and worked with the outside. I never did get another good shot. And the two of the girls were the only indoor shots I really got.
It was a dream, photo wise. My camera must have been set well. The white balance was on cloudy, I had a vague memory of Andy saying he took night shots that way. Didn't occur to me to change it when I went inside. The exposure compensation was about a minus 1 and a bit more. I had some at minus 2, but that was a bit too much.
I had it on shutter priority, I think, the flash was not triggered. I traded between shutter and aperture priority during the evening, it was what I was least sure about.
Oh, the ISO, I notice last night was 200, I messed up earlier outside the mall with not changing it from 1600, I have not tried working up those shots. So I did change the ISO a couple of times, but that late at night, if I had been thinking I would have had it on at least 400, glad I was not thinking.
Most of my other shots, on levels, I raised and lowered certain color values. On the shrimp boat, it was terribly grainy, I got out my new book How to WOW, boy that is a good book, even if it was written for CS, and I only have 7. It was so easy to follow on the grain thing, I just skipped the CS step
But the girls, I did not do much. My usual levels, but not more than necessary, a little saturation probably, I was not going to mess around with the colors since I like them and heaven only knows what messing would have gotten me, don't know if I raised the contrast, probably not, but might have a tad, then I save that as img 2 and went to unsharp mask, did it and saved it, too. Used that one. Just an easy photo. I did want to maintain some detail, just a bit, but some, in the dark areas (that is why I was asking about how others were seeing my photos on other monitors, mine were looking darker than when I worked on them). So I kept the hand I was dealt and tried not to ruin it, and that was pretty much it.
I kind of changed that title Lynne gave me, as I wasn't thinking, it should be Honky Tonk Angels. I will put that up with the words, tomorrow.
ginger (I am going to start taking cards with me everywhere. One for the photography and one for my hearing)