Corrupted Card

Or something, that dog won't hunt, as some say. I left the house after Bill went to bed, put a 256 card in. Finally went to a 24 hr place I used to go to all the time. I was told "no" by several people. I was yelled at by another for taking her picture without permission, but one person was quite cooporative.
I was using my Canon Elph. No cards, forgot them. People were quite hesitant. I snuck some photos and I got quite a few of the cooporative person who happened to be wearing red, so ................well, it was something to do that would give me something to work up.
Went to Shem Creek, got great photos of a just married car parked by the marsh. It had not yet been driven, great cans, balloons, etc.
Got home, nothing. The g drive didn't believe I had anything in it. I put it back in the camera and the pictures are gone, so I looked all over the computer. Something, a share thing came up, I went all over the computer trying to get rid of it.
Anyway, I want to reiterate that everyone wanted to know what I was going to do with the photos. Maybe it is different here, but it does cross the class, color, gender, etc barrier. For a class might work.
Going to get the poor dogs to the beach.
Don't want to spend a lot getting those photos off the card, but I wish I had them
I was using my Canon Elph. No cards, forgot them. People were quite hesitant. I snuck some photos and I got quite a few of the cooporative person who happened to be wearing red, so ................well, it was something to do that would give me something to work up.
Went to Shem Creek, got great photos of a just married car parked by the marsh. It had not yet been driven, great cans, balloons, etc.
Got home, nothing. The g drive didn't believe I had anything in it. I put it back in the camera and the pictures are gone, so I looked all over the computer. Something, a share thing came up, I went all over the computer trying to get rid of it.
Anyway, I want to reiterate that everyone wanted to know what I was going to do with the photos. Maybe it is different here, but it does cross the class, color, gender, etc barrier. For a class might work.
Going to get the poor dogs to the beach.
Don't want to spend a lot getting those photos off the card, but I wish I had them
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Did you look at images, in the camera viewer, while you were shooting, and see them?
Did you try to transfer them when you got home? Or did your machine tell you right away that there were no shots on the card, and so no transfer ever had a chance to get started? Are you using the right software to see Elph images, as opposed to Digital Rebel images?
Also, had this card previously been in your Digital Rebel? Or had it just been used in, and thus formatted, for use in the Elph?
Sorry about all the questions, I'm just not clear on the order of events.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I did see them in the camera viewer, everything went as normal until I got home, took a 64 mb sandisk out of the sandisk uploader, put the 256 mb card in and nothing happened as far as usually just happens when I am on my computer and click on the sandisk icon. So I clicked on the icon again, it told me to put the card in. (I knew what the pictures looked like, I had seen them while I was taking them as well as I could, considering the circumstances underwhich I was shooting)
I put the card back in the camera, it then told me that there were no images, then a saying of "error" flashed once, only time I saw it, and all this was repeated many times.................I eventually was running spyware scans, etc.
I just want to say this, so you can understand that this was a surprise. That card had not been used since I had gotten the Rebel, it was a Viking that I used with the Canon Elph exclusively. Since it wasn't a small card, I don't know why that was, but it was not formatted for the Rebel. Also, ever other card, including a 128 mb sandisk that I used with the Rebel, after using it with the Elph, every other card has worked, it was just that one.
I considered that it was the Sandisk uploader connection, checked it out, but every other card has gone through it, including one earlier that evening.
There is no different software that I have been using to see Rebel images than I used to see Elph images. I came home close to 1 AM and tried to upload it immediately. (I planned on getting to the beach before sunrise and wanted to go to bed, but I wanted the card clear) And the batteries charged.
I will put this at the beginning so you don't have to read all this, the card, the Viking card has disappeared. I work on the computer, Bill cleans up around the computer when he gets up. He never moves anything except 3 X 5 cards, but that is his story. I don't care anymore, I would like those images, but I have my entry, I have my memories of the night "out", I was on the Shem Creek bridge at midnight, it was a good feeling, I had no ID on me, and I was running around Shem Creek. I have those memories, but at this point I don't even have the card. I just can't work on this stuff anymore. It took me all afternoon to work on and download and put on the site here, the photos from this morning.
I do know there are ways to get those images, but I think they cost money. I looked all over my computer for them. The little sandisk light did flash when I put the card in, so I thought they might be in the computer. I can't find them, and I can't find the card.
Thanks for asking, ginger
Try this, if you haven't taken any photos since the event then go take a fresh pic and look at the name (DSC_10045.jpg) or whatever it may be. Subtract about 15-20 from it to arrive at a possible name for an image that was on the card. Then search around for it. Definitely can't hurt to try.
If you have taken photos, find the first one after the event and subtract a few frames.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam