Kids with no arms, etc......
Thomas, that baptism yesterday. I took this baby's photo, without arms, naturally, so I chopped her up to try to fix the situation. I took inspiration from Andy's winning POTD thing and came in very close here. (This kid never smiled, she probably couldn't since she liked to keep her tongue right there)
Smile, g

Same photo, see no arms.....

I call this the driver's license crop.:D

On the baby's photos, they really don't use them, so it is no big deal, and I just take a shot of the baby where ever I can catch him/her. Part of the mother's arm was in this shot, the background was very dark, so I just went with it and cloned the mother's arm out. If the arm had been loving I might have left it in, whatever......
Oh, I just use the little flash on the Rebel. The ceiling is too high to bounce anything, so I just go with what is easy. No one but me ever sees the baby's photos. I have some I really like.
Smile, g

Same photo, see no arms.....

I call this the driver's license crop.:D

On the baby's photos, they really don't use them, so it is no big deal, and I just take a shot of the baby where ever I can catch him/her. Part of the mother's arm was in this shot, the background was very dark, so I just went with it and cloned the mother's arm out. If the arm had been loving I might have left it in, whatever......
Oh, I just use the little flash on the Rebel. The ceiling is too high to bounce anything, so I just go with what is easy. No one but me ever sees the baby's photos. I have some I really like.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
paper to use instead of the ceiling?
Just a thought.
TML Photography
Neither of them suggested the rigged bounce flash, and I have read about it before, not once either. I forgot myself.
I have that sunpak. I just so rarely use flash, except with these baptisms. I used to really care about them, don't anymore. I should rig up something and learn to use the sunpak, in my spare time.............sometime.
How do you all attach the bounce thing to the flash?
Thomas, I have "had" other babies do that with their tongues, must be soothing. A little breast milk might distract them.:D g
TML Photography
I got so discouraged with the church stuff. Well, I am discouraged with the whole church right now. But they don't show the babies except in their parents arms. If I am not there, they use a polaroid.
The few people who wanted copies of the pictures the church posts, they wanted me to e-mail to them. They were upset that I did not do it for free, I assume that, anyway, as I never have heard from any of them after I tell them that I usually charge, here is where the photos are and if paying is a problem, I can handle a change there. However, I put it very nicely.
And these people are mega rich people. I have accidentally sold a few things by business cards my husband hands out for me at downtown parks, but never to a church person. And right now I don't really want to. My prices are higher than yours, but 1.50 for a 4 X 6 is not going to kill a billionaire.
So, I don't spend the time on these things that I used to. I do have a few pictures of the babies, and a few families that I really like. I will try to find one of the babies and alert you to it.
How did you make the lights in her eyes bigger? And when you say you did something in levels, a place I use all the time, did you mean that instead of going to the right with the slider, you went to the left?
This is the first baby picture I have even worked up since sometime in the middle of the summer. Would rather spend time at the beach, smile.
g again
TML Photography