colorization on BW

This is my first attempt working with BW and color. I'm having problems tinting his hair the right color.
Seth, aged 7
comments very much appreciated. Hints appreciated even more!! I'm a photoshop newbie.
I've been browsing the pics...I'm jealous! Is it possible to take any kind of quality studio work with a small digital?
Seth, aged 7
comments very much appreciated. Hints appreciated even more!! I'm a photoshop newbie.
I've been browsing the pics...I'm jealous! Is it possible to take any kind of quality studio work with a small digital?
I don't think the size of the camera matters, but how much megapixel your camera has. The lenses on it count too.
I would say in general that you get what you pay for.
In order to make great shots you need first of all the eye for the picture, and secondly a more or less medium camera, seen in quality terms.
The better your camera is, provided you have a good eye for taking pics, the more chance you have that your pics will be sharper, better exposed and all that matters for photo's.
I would say that you at least need a 3 to 5 MP camera, 3 being the bare minimum for prints no bigger then 5 by 7, and 5 for prints up to A4.