Messing Around

Just got finished cleaning the sensor on my cam to get rid of that dust spot, which worked out thank god, and decided to take some test shots to make sure I got it and this is what I got. I think they turned out pretty good, no not getting rid of the dust but the shots themselves. Wast trying to but I really like the result. What do you all think?

You can see the tiny hairs on the bridge of his nose in the original. I can make it available if anyone is interested.

You can see the tiny hairs on the bridge of his nose in the original. I can make it available if anyone is interested.
I see you found new subjects already. I like the first shot where he is writing, but I would like some more light on his face.
The second one is lit up well, but I like the action in the first picture more.
Lovely portraits of a collegue I would say...