Intel 2.8Ghz equal to AMD ??

Intel 2.8 is equal to which Amd athlon ? and which is better
Thinking to upgrade to 2.8 Ghz and Asus Mother board but need some thoughts on AMD or life will be good with intel as it is now with 1.5Ghz :dunno
Thinking to upgrade to 2.8 Ghz and Asus Mother board but need some thoughts on AMD or life will be good with intel as it is now with 1.5Ghz :dunno
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Read here for AMD's bragging.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
If you can't afford a dual core chip, then the P4 with hyper threading is your next best bet.
If you can get a P4 2.8 with hyper threading (HT) then you'd need an AMD 3200+ or 3500+ to equal it in PS or Premiere or in general AV work. The HT makes a big difference in multi-tasking usability as well.
I tried a PC with an AMD 3500+, didn't like that I couldn't multi-task well. I know have a P4 3.6HT and it's great.
Thanks All
me and my brothers have decided
2.8 Ht
120 GB Hd
1 Gb Ram
256 VGA
Undecided about mother board any suggestion ? about intel or asus model
i am looking for a model which can accept upto 3.4 or above processor
One more question what is if i get 256 VGA on board will it perform good ?this can cut the cost of full pc
System cost around 400$
I think this will be fine for my bro's games my photoshop dad's internet and photoviewing of my relatives
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There's no good direct comparison anymore, there are so many different variations... Here's a speed chart of some recent processors.
If I was looking to buy a budget system right now, with some room to upgrade, it would be an AMD Athlon X2 64 3800+ with an ASUS A8N-SLI Motherboard. That's about ~$450 here in the US. You could go with the same motherboard and an AMD Athlon 64 3200+ for ~$100 less.
Intel is coming out with new CPUs in a couple of months, this will push down prices for everything (in the USA anyway).
Looks like I was too late... No worries.
Using an on-board VGA card will share memory with your CPU (unless it specifically says "dedicated VRAM or" something similar). This will significantly cut into performance, especially in games.
Unsharp at any Speed
Either MB will be fine. Usually you'll get more "extras" with the ASUS, such as performance modding abilities, more monitoring features, and more ports and connections. I've had several Asus MBs and they were excellent.
My current rig (Dell) has an Intel board obviously and has no problems.
As stated previously the biggest problem with on board VGA is that it shares system memory. It uses random amounts up to the 256mb limit. So your 1GB of system ram can be as low as 768mb, minus from that the 200 or so Windows generally uses and you're left with about 1/2 a gig for your apps.
This might slow PS down.
As for gaming, the onboard graphics are all right for light duty 3d or older games run at lower resolutions.
If you can't afford a dedicated graphics card at this time, make sure the board you get has a PCI slot for a video card so that later if you want you can add one.
I think you hade a good choice with the 2.8HT. Best overall bang for the buck in non dual core chips. You'll be very pleased with it's overall performance.
today i went to market
how about MB d915gavx it has PCI slot for card 4gig ram slots i didn't saw any impressive asus model but i really like them they were all AMD MBs :cry
for time being 1gig ram will be alot because my current is 256 :uhoh which i think is very much
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Looks like a nice MB. The intel 915 chipset is good and stable. Has nice onboard sound, 4 pci slots and one pci-e slot for video, plus 4 SATA ports.
Noticed it didn't mention IDE. Are you going to reuse and IDE drive or get a new SATA dirve?
Looks good and if you're going from 256mb of ram to 1gb then even running the onboard video, plus going from a 1.5ghz P4 to a 2.8 with HT, you'll feel like you're flying.
Major, major improvement over your current rig.
One more thing i heared today a guy told me if i really want to upgrade upgrade to 64bit to run future 64bit softwares and games which has just entered in Pakistani Markets wait for 6 month or 1 year prices will come down then buy it dont upgrade to anything other then 64bit
and 2.8 Ghz HT is no more available in market
so to run my PC for 12 year i am thinking to update video card 256 MB 4x
and Harddrive 120Gb + ram upto 512
thanks again
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Too bad about the P4 not being available.
If you're upgrading your RAM why not go for 1GB?
The video card upgrade will help with games, not so much or at all with photos.
As for 64bit, it's been around for a while and there's just not much if any performance gains at this time or in the near future. Biggest advantage is the ability to use or access way more RAM.
I bought a 32 bit system a year or so ago and have no doubt it will still be viable until the warranty runs out in another 3 years. At which time I'll likely replace it.
Good luck with your PC shopping/building.
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