FOUND: Lightsphere II

I'm in need of a Lightsphere II, C3 (or P3) for a wedding this weekend.
B&H gets them from Gary Fong, and GF only ships UPS gound so I don't have any retail outlet to get one before friday.
Just wondering if by chance someone has a C3 or P3 (fits 430EX) that they might be willing to part with and ship quickly.
B&H gets them from Gary Fong, and GF only ships UPS gound so I don't have any retail outlet to get one before friday.
Just wondering if by chance someone has a C3 or P3 (fits 430EX) that they might be willing to part with and ship quickly.
Thank you
I'd be happy to! Its getting down to the wire though and I might be stuck with a Stofen which did not thrill me too much the last time I shot with one.
You are going to take pictures with a new material you have never tested.
Would you go for a long walk with brand new shoes ?
Of course you would not, because your feat would suffer...
Excuse me for beeing so strait: Use the Stofen.
For the wedding and often.
Know the material.
I mean take knowledge of the material.
Use it.
Often. Shoot and shoot.
Try until you get something out of it.
This is what I'm trying to do with the use of the flash, which I have just began... have a look have a look too.
One is a great result the other a lauzy one.
Experiment. Experience is a must.:):
I seam a teacher which I am not.
But I have been dissapointed with the results from the Stofen in the past, I've been able to work around it, but imho it is still too harsh to be a good diffuser, and in the situation, I'd rather use something that "might" provide great results over somthing that I can use, but requires extra legwork just to get acceptable results.
But the Lightsphere is large, cumbersom. One can put the lunch inside
IMHO, the LS is a GREAT device, but it does have some flaws. The weight is the major one. The other is the defusor dome. Some have complained that keeping it attached to the shroud can be, at times, difficult.
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Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
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You pointed at something very important. The weight.
Probably you know that I travel on my back with the 20 D; the 16~35; the 24~70 and the 430 EX.
Well, the last travel with binoculars inside I came to 7 kilograms !
I weighted at the airport at the check-in !
I have had back ackes ! Pains in my back.
I wonder how the profs travel ?
I have even thought of buying a metal case... with wheels.
And I am not carying the plugs and all that stuff like back-ups, electrical adaptors, mobile phone...
They go in the luggage compartment.
The other day - because my 24~70 is beeing repaired I as tempted to buy the 70~200 !
I'm crazy
PM me if you're interested.
Take more pictures!
Now I even have an extra day to practice and get used to these things.
Take more pictures!