print quality...
hi all,
i'm a new pro user and have recently sold my first prints and was curious as to how closely the prints will match up to the image that the customer saw on the monitor as far as colour saturation, brightness, accuracy, etc.. (assuming they have a calibrated monitor, etc..).
i'm a new pro user and have recently sold my first prints and was curious as to how closely the prints will match up to the image that the customer saw on the monitor as far as colour saturation, brightness, accuracy, etc.. (assuming they have a calibrated monitor, etc..).
Smugmug prides themselves on their print quality and if you or your customer ever has a problem with a print, SM will reprint it no questions asked (they'll even fix color problems and the like). All you or your customer has to do is send an email to
Country Roads Photo
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There's an ICC profile available for EZ prints so you can soft-proof them. I've found on my color managed workflow that this is fairly accurate once you get a sense how it's presenting the data (monitors project light, prints reflect light, so they are never an exact match). The ICC profile for EZ prints sort of dulls the monitor preview but if you compare it to a print, you'll get a pretty good idea of how they work together and how you can use the profile to proof prints.
I've personally been quite pleased with EZ prints/smugmug. If everything is calibrated and you white balance properly, your prints will look fantastic-- especially the color prints.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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I've used the soft-proof ICC method a few times just to get a feel for how EZ prints will print my photos. I don't soft-proof now since I feel like I understand how the regular view in PSCS will translate to the EZ prints soft-proof view. That's just my experience, of course, but I'll bet if you soft-proof a few images and switch back and forth between your regular view and the soft-proof view on a calibrated monitor, and maybe compare that to an EZ print, pretty soon it'll make sense how a regular edit will translate to the print. I hope that makes sense... it's not nearly as complicated as I make it sound!
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
(knock...knock...knock...on wood)
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
My desktop died yesterday, so I bought a new macbook.
So far it is overwhelming and nice, I had been using imac 9.2.
This is where my problems are starting, I have a epson rx620 printer, I used with the old computer-
Now when I print my photos the colors dont look the same, now im feeling very sick, after $1500, and dont know enough about this computer, to fix it, or know why.
I hope epson can help me. I dont have the same choices for page set up that I had on the 9.2.
Thankyou for listening .
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Hi ! and thankyou ,
wow am I feeling very vulnerable right now, a new computer- with OS 10.3.4 or 10.4.3
See i cant even type now, funny how something can change the comfort and ease of use.
Where is this and how do I find the profile?
I guess I could use alot of help!
(Oh by the way if anyone gets a new epson printer- and has the lastest version of mac running system, they have to go to the epson web site to download the proper driver)