PrePaid Client Orders
I am a pro user, and I'd like to order a set of photos for my wedding client, but have her choose the photos herself. Because she has already paid me for these prints, Is there a way for me to prepay a credit for say 200 prints for her, or to create a guest login where she can make the order, and then have it billed to me at cost, as though I had made the order myself?
username: wellseen
I am a pro user, and I'd like to order a set of photos for my wedding client, but have her choose the photos herself. Because she has already paid me for these prints, Is there a way for me to prepay a credit for say 200 prints for her, or to create a guest login where she can make the order, and then have it billed to me at cost, as though I had made the order myself?
username: wellseen
Hi Sebastian, no I'm sorry there is not. You'll need to place the order yourself, based on images she chooses.
I wish I had a different answer for you.
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:nono that's not good - pro can't cancel the order. Has to be a support desk process, and we aren't able to do that as a routine, sorry.
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Thanks Andy and Marlinspike!
hmmm... that seems to be on the right track though... is there a way for her to make a selection of photos, and save the order without actually paying for it, so that I can go in later and pay for it for her?
Any one else have a clever idea for how to do this? Thanks for the help!!!
Thanks everyone... but the whole point is for her to be able make make the selection online, without having to copy 300 filenames, and also for her not to know the amount of my markup. I could charge her less initially, but then she probably wouldn't order as many prints. I think there are other sites that offer this... it should be very simple to save a customer order and forward it to the pro owner for completion. Any chance that this feature could be added?
The cart info resides in a cookie. Maybe she could add the photo's to her cart, then have her email you the cookie. You complete the order.
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
Hmmm ... Very interesting idea. How exactly would I do this?
I'm just the idea guy - I was hoping one of those "in the know" would chime in and tell us. If we knew the name of the cookie SM stores that would help.
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
A parked shopping cart system that allowed self-fulfillment and a share of the profits would seem to be the ideal situation. Until then, you're going to have to figure out workarounds.
I don't think that the cookie idea would work as the cookie probably remembers the user (not just the cart) and that user isn't entitled to your non-marked-up pricing.
I think lessons could be learned from the paypal thread ( I believe a variation of this technique for self-fulfillment would be quite workable.
I'm not sure how feature rich the paypal shopping cart is. Their guide is at:
I think you'd want to show thumbnails in the cart (maybe modify urlToImage to do this), but it appears the item_name field is limited to 127 characters and it isn't obvious if html is even allowed.
Just some random thoughts. Hope some of them are useful.
Provide her with a login id and password. Have her add the photos she likes to her cart, but not buy them. Then you log in with her id and password, go to the cart, and purchase what is in there.
not at smugmug? in which case that wouldnt work.
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
Good Idea.
This would work since you can be notified about new comments. Have the gallery private (keep outside sources from adding comments). They could put size and finish info in the comment. You could even add info to the caption of the photos to make an up-sell (larger canvas stroked prints available at an additional cost......)
Then you just go and review each comment and add to your cart. Bingo
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
In the meantime I find customers don't want to be hassled with having to leave comments on every photo they want... just give them a list of filenames with the appropriate prints, sizes, etc in columns alongside the numbers and they can fill out their order as they view the gallery. Not quite sure how but you could make the order form downloadable and link to it from the gallery description.