Does the slide show affect hits?
On my main page I have the slide show running. I just got the slideshow running today and my conversion ratio is uhmmm 796% :scratch with the large image spiked at 5000K+ hits I have only been on for a few days so I am not sure what is going on here... is someone slurping up pics or something else is happening ???? My header jpg is only showing 18 hits so anyone have an idea? :dunno
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But yes, I am pretty sure that any images being displayed will be included as hits in statistics.
SmugMug API Developer
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Yes the gallery that is "pegged" is the one that I am using for the slideshow... I am a newbie to this so I am not sure what is going on. But that does make sense... the hit stats look great for only being online for a few days, hehehehe just odd the way it's reporting it... of course I could have goofed the javascript stuff.
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If so, your slideshow is loading on every page not just your homepage.
To fix this, change this code in your footer...
to this...
SmugMug API Developer
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there is a difference. CSS code turns on/off the visibility for the slideshow container.
But calling or not calling that function is the difference of whether the slideshow images are loaded or not...does that make sense ?
A good way to determine if you are acutally calling the slideshow when you should be, is to remove any CSS that hides it. Then browse through your site, if the slideshow appears on any page (not including the base image if used) then you are downloading extra stuff to the clients browser that isn't required and actually slowing down their experience.
SmugMug API Developer
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You ROCK!!!
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Here's the code from my footer...
Any thoughts on loading correctly for MY site...
no problem.
I am going to talk to BWG about adding a failsafe to prevent this condition.
SmugMug API Developer
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change to this...
SmugMug API Developer
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The 2nd says load if BOTH C AND D are true... am I close??
SmugMug API Developer
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leave the CSS code there, I only mentioned it as a method to determine if u are incorrectly loading the slideshow
SmugMug API Developer
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Below is my footer code.
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meh, i'm not a big fan of calling the same function twice for no reason. that code you gave him will behave no differently than his original code.
the slideshow will not execute if:
- slideshowContainerId is not provided
- slideshowContainerId does not evaluate to a valid element
- slideshowUrl is not provided
in brando's case, unless one of his conditions were met, slideshowUrl was not set and calling loadSlideshow(); would not have done anything.failsafe enough?
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