Search Engines and site promotion
:dunno Just wondering: Is Smugmug registered with all the big Search Engines and use CPCs',( Cost per Click) to ensure that anyone looking for photos will find the site? I've tried doing a search several times on Google, Yahoo, Altivista, etc. looking for photos and have yet to see SmugMug's site come up and that's looking through over a dozen pages. If no one can find our site then no one is going to purchase any photos! Is this something that we individuals do on our own, meaning- promote our own site.
You'll find lots of tips for google searchability in the MYOB forum, here on Dgrin.
Try searching for
tappan zee bridge photos
westchester senior portraits
You'll find that if you do some things, like
* keywording the heck out of all your photos
* captioning
* gallery descriptions
* blogging
* cross-linking
You'll get search engine results. Yes, SmugMug does the Google dance very well, and I constantly see page one results. What were you searching for?
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WARNING: Boring content ahead.
We are at least somewhat competitive on most major keywords for the industry ("photo hosting," "photo sharing," "online albums," etc.). We usually aren't in the top position for those search terms because we focus mostly on ROI rather than simply grabbing up as many customers as possible. For example, the top bidder for "photo sharing" on Yahoo! at the time I am writing this is paying $2.01 per click. We are currently paying $0.30 per click for the same search term, but we are farther down on the page. We get fewer clicks, but we have a much better cost/conversion than if we were to bid $2.02.
Smugmug is not a typical dot-com business. We have nothing against the companies that go into debt in order to get huge market share or get bought out. It's just not our business model. Our focus is on being the best photo sharing site on the web. That doesn't mean we have to be the biggest.
However, as far as your personal site on Smugmug goes, we don't advertise for you. Sorry!
Thanks for the reply. I did a couple of searches using: Commercial Diver Photos, Commercial Diver and ROV etc., also tried :Manatee, Manatees, etc. I have one of the few sites online, ( that I can find anyway) that has Commercial Divers and ROV's and Manatee photos and thought I'd at least have something show up, but no luck. Just wondering if I'll need to sign up for a Cost per Click provider to get any hits.
Hank Fannin
Keyword the HECK out of your photos, follow the great advice in the links I gave you, too
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Try "Civita, Italy" or Viola Elkins (a professional dancer I did some work for).
I've keyworded the heck out of those two gallerys. I think I'm catching on. Actually all the info I need is posted already. I just need to spend the time and effort to find and comprehend all of it. Now- if I could figure out how to make my site look like yours, especially the Nav. bar, I'd be set. I've got lots more gallerys and photos to add. Just wanted to get the site looking professional first. I even bought " CSS for Dummies" book I'm wading through as I find time. Thanks again for the help.
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I think I'm getting somewhere now. I added my keywords, and did a search and
Hank Fannin
Wow, I get to get on the soapbox twice in one night. I just posted this in another thread in the support forum -- ...people should really be doing their keywording prior to uploading to smugmug. In doing so, the keywords stay with your image regardless of where you host them. See my post at this thread for a discussion of the IPTC standard.
pat, you need to put this in your signature :soapbox
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I guess I'll finally have to learn the list of smilies
I get accused of this one every now and then as well :deadhorse