Backup question
Is there any way to order a backup so that I can put it on my laptop, and the website part still work? I mean take the laptop with me without internet access, and my customers still be able to work it just like the website? Or is there another way to do this?
Thanks guys,
I do love this place...................
Thanks guys,
I do love this place...................
There are a lot of utilities out there that will download a web site for offline viewing. It's been a long time since I've done that, so I don't know how well they work with CSS, javascript, etc. I'm sure a google search would point you in the right direction if someone doesn't answer directly. Good luck.
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I just did a quick Google search as I suggested above and the first site that came up was
Looks like it will do exactly what you're looking for. I've not tried it myself, but would be curious when you do find a solution to know what you used.
I tried it and it does not do what I need, anybody else have any suggestions? As stated earlier, I would like the compter at my booth to work just like it was connected to the internet when it is not.
Thanks again for any help.....
I am thinking that, because the smugmug pages are mostly dynamically generated, can't be 'downloaded' by that program. I'm sorry. & smugmug