Cookies on Safari Thoughts
OK, I’m new to Smugmug so I have a lot to learn.
First of all, I did search and found several threads related to the issue of cookies on the Mac. I do know that if you have Accept Cookies to "Always" it will work correctly when you buy a photo.
What seems a little odd to me is that I have mine set to “Only from sites you navigate to” and of course it didn’t work when I tried it. I went to any random Smugmug users site and attempted to do a buy photo from their site and it worked. The site that I picked wasn’t doing a redirect, it was the Smugmug url whereas mine is a redirect from OK, so here what is odd, as soon as I did the purchase from another user, mine would then work correctly without changing my cookies setting.
I happened to be at an Apple store this weekend and tried this on several computers with the same result.
So why does this happen? It seems like it shouldn’t work at all but appears to work as soon as it picks up a cookie from another user.
Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
First of all, I did search and found several threads related to the issue of cookies on the Mac. I do know that if you have Accept Cookies to "Always" it will work correctly when you buy a photo.
What seems a little odd to me is that I have mine set to “Only from sites you navigate to” and of course it didn’t work when I tried it. I went to any random Smugmug users site and attempted to do a buy photo from their site and it worked. The site that I picked wasn’t doing a redirect, it was the Smugmug url whereas mine is a redirect from OK, so here what is odd, as soon as I did the purchase from another user, mine would then work correctly without changing my cookies setting.
I happened to be at an Apple store this weekend and tried this on several computers with the same result.
So why does this happen? It seems like it shouldn’t work at all but appears to work as soon as it picks up a cookie from another user.
Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
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My guess is this is why it works....
1. Browse to
2. smugmug cookie created for domain
3. attempt to buy a photo
4. cookie blocked for site, since you didn't navigate to it
second test...
1. Browse to some site
2. smugmug cookie created for domain
3. attempt to buy a photo
4. success, photo added.
now repeat the original test...and it will succeed now that the cookie exists for
This is just me thinking off the top of my head...but i am pretty sure it will be something like that.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Is there a way to fix it? Is it a Safari issue? Is there some way to trick it? So many questions... :-)
No it's not a Safari issue. In regard to fixing it...not sure to be totally honest, there are some issues that will need to be taken up with Smugmug.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
SM was working on this-- here's a comment from a recent thread:
... but I'll admit I don't quite understand all the cookies and such. Sounds like Safari is still giving some grief to folks trying to order prints?
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Hi Pete, I read the comment that you posted and it seems that what people are missing is that once you have the cookie, it always works. There is something causing a problem for first time buyers that are redirected vs. those buyers that are not redirected. Very odd. :-)
Well, I'm back. I have a person who has emailed me because she can't seem to be able to purchase a photo from my site. This is back to the cookies question and I really feel bad to have to explain to her how to trick her browser in order to make a purchase.
Two questions, has there been any new thoughts on how to fix this and does anyone have instructions already written up that I can use on my site that are clear and easy for customers to follow?
please help.... and thanks for your time.
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Hi Andy,
No she hasn't, I know that is probably the best thing to do but I feel bad having to send people somewhere else to try to solve these types of issues.
Here is her response to my questions:
I have tried it from both my Mac (can't even get to the shopping cart) and my windows based PC. In Windows, I can get to the point where they tell me to pick shipping but no options are offered so I can't go any further. I use Internet Explorer on my PC. If you can give me hints on how to get this to work through the intenet that would be great. Othewise, is it possible that I mail you a check and place the order through you?
Our help on enabling cookies - or ask her to write us, we'll HAPPILY help her:
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