WTB: Camera Bag for Canon Rebel XTI + lenses

I'm looking for a decent yet affordable bag to carry my XTI with attached lens and one or two extra lenses. I don't want a backpack; messenger-style only. The bag I have currently isn't padded and doesn't have separate compartments, which is not very smart considering I'm a student traveling around campus all day.
If someone has an old bag lying around or suggestions about what and where to buy one, let me know! Looking to spend hopefully no more than $40.
If someone has an old bag lying around or suggestions about what and where to buy one, let me know! Looking to spend hopefully no more than $40.
I've used Adorama "Slinger" bags with great success. The regular Slinger should be just right for the eqpt you listed. I had one for a year or two, then finally upgraded to the larger Slinger Pro bag after I added a battery grip to my dSLR.
One GREAT feature that isn't played up stongly enough about the Slinger bags is that they include a WAIST STRAP, so you can put most of the weight on your hips instead of your shoulder. Very important if you put much gear in it and have to carry it for a while.
I even still have my original Slinger bag (http://www.adorama.com/GBSLBK.html?searchinfo=slinger&item_no=6). I haven't bothered to advertise it yet, but would let it go for $28 including shipping, PayPal, etc. New ones are about $50 from Adorama ($44.95+shipping). If anyone's interested in mine, drop me a PM.
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...