gallery pricing probs

I am just not getting this gellery pricing malarkey, so please bear with my dumbness..
I have set most galleries to one set of pricing based on this gallery
However I want these galleries
to have the SM default pricing - so that's what I set them at - I thought!
I have tried opening them in another browser - logged OUT - (Firefox) but the prices for
still present as the default for the first gallery (above)
I won't try again just right now because I see there's a maintenance about to happen, but any advice?
MIGHT hve sussed it - needs to be 1# above default? - just been rereading the help
Yup that seesm to have sorted it -. THANKS ANDY :-)
Suggestion _ that the 'Note' to the effect would be better noticed if it had a red 'gotcha' next to it instead of the green 'note'
I have set most galleries to one set of pricing based on this gallery
However I want these galleries
to have the SM default pricing - so that's what I set them at - I thought!
I have tried opening them in another browser - logged OUT - (Firefox) but the prices for
still present as the default for the first gallery (above)
I won't try again just right now because I see there's a maintenance about to happen, but any advice?
MIGHT hve sussed it - needs to be 1# above default? - just been rereading the help
Yup that seesm to have sorted it -. THANKS ANDY :-)
Suggestion _ that the 'Note' to the effect would be better noticed if it had a red 'gotcha' next to it instead of the green 'note'
You have Portfolio pricing, so that overrides - have another read here:
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Got it now
thanks again