Meteor Shower.

I don't know if you might have seen the meteor shower yesterday, but it was very cool. I tried to capture a few, but managed only to get this one shot. This meteor was fairly close to the horizon and went behind a house. Oh well...

What were you shooting with?
I would have liked to have a longer exposure with lower ISO (which is what I tried in later shots), but those darn meteors are hard to catch in action. :splat
Early Tues morning, the night after, I swear they were still there. I went outdoors with the dogs, I had to take on faith that they did their stuff, as I was just mesmerized by the sky. I have never seen it like that before. Clear, the stars, or whatever, they seemed to be in a bowl as the ancients thought. Every once in a while I thought one moved, I glanced over and it either hadn't happened or it was over. They were as bright as low flying airplanes. A gorgeous sky.
And this was in the suburbs, next to a city, so out in a rural area, I cannot imagine what it would have been like. Just gorgeous.
Must have been great trying to catch it on film. You all know how excited I get about anything involving a tripod, 2 AM is not a winner either, that is probably why I did not pay it a lot of attention. I have gone out for other meteor stuff, never been impressed before. I think it was the clarity this time. And I just happened to be there. You, too.
It was kind of comical....I'd see one, whip the camera around on the tripod to point in the general vicinity, and then click the remote trigger...hoping that the shutter opened in time.