Cannot read the DVDs that I burn

I dont know hwere to turn. I used to beable to do this and now I cannot.
Ive spent infuriating searches on the web to no avail.
I burn a DVD and my computer cannot read it. it says 0bytes used space. 0 bytes free space. OPen it no file BUT...............other computers can read it Mac and PC.
I use a drive which is NEC DVD + RW ND 6650A
I use sonic RecordNow!
I use hp DVDs
I cannot understand the Sonic and NEC sites and I really have tried.
THis throws a HUGE spanner in my workflow and I just cannie see through to the otherside.
Once more for mr. Asamuel? I would LOVE a magic wand on this @#%$ problem.
Ive spent infuriating searches on the web to no avail.
I burn a DVD and my computer cannot read it. it says 0bytes used space. 0 bytes free space. OPen it no file BUT...............other computers can read it Mac and PC.
I use a drive which is NEC DVD + RW ND 6650A
I use sonic RecordNow!
I use hp DVDs
I cannot understand the Sonic and NEC sites and I really have tried.
THis throws a HUGE spanner in my workflow and I just cannie see through to the otherside.
Once more for mr. Asamuel? I would LOVE a magic wand on this @#%$ problem.
Arizona, USA
You're saying other computers can read the disk you burned on your computer, but your computer cannot read the disk it just burned? Is that correct?
If so, then that is weird.
I assume you are on a Windows box. If you are running XP try burning a disk using XP's built in burning engine.
Drag and drop some files onto the DVD drive, it will show up as an image(s) and in the side box you'll have an option "write these files to disk" or something like that.
The above is in case you never tried using XP.
If it still can't read what you just burned but other PCs can, then I would try and uninstall the DVD burner and reinstall (software unistall- not physically removing it) it and see if that helps.
You're saying other computers can read the disk you burned on your computer, but your computer cannot read the disk it just burned? Is that correct?
If so, then that is weird.
Everyone says that. I will try your suggestions. and get back. thanks
Fingers crossed.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky