did my account get deactivated?

Something is wrong with my account:
Sometimes this leads directly to the smugmug main page (smugmug.com) and sometimes when I click on a gallery I see no Galleries or no Pictures found.
Oh, and in case it does work, its incredibly slow (it only loads 2 thumbnails):
Whats wrong with the account?
Sometimes this leads directly to the smugmug main page (smugmug.com) and sometimes when I click on a gallery I see no Galleries or no Pictures found.
Oh, and in case it does work, its incredibly slow (it only loads 2 thumbnails):
Whats wrong with the account?
Nothing as far as I can tell? Your custom name, as well as http://andregunther.smugmug.com are working just fine.
We don't deactive paying accounts, that's bad for business
I checked your site both logged in, and logged out.
What address are you using when you get the SmugMug main page?
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Everything loads fine for me. Have you checked with your Internet Provider (IP) to see if they have a problem?
If they don't report anything, it could be even more localized, down to your area (Cable) or even your computer. Definitely get your IP involved.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
as for the original issue, i'm unable to replicate any problems accessing your SM site. i also checked the DNS records for aguntherphotography.com and store.aguntherphotography.com and it looks kosher.
i'll randomly ping my own SM site and i've noticed that response times vary greatly. if you're experiencing difficulty, i'd suggest that you try pinging the SM site from your computer as well as another one to see if it's possibly your ISP or just SM getting hit hard.
to run a ping from your computer:
(assuming you're using a windows machine and have a high speed Internet connection)
click on START
click on RUN
type CMD in the run bar
once the little DOS window pops up, type: ping store.aguntherphotography.com and hit ENTER
if the "time" is consistantly above 200ms OR it says "request timed out" there's potentially a problem
to run a ping from a remote computer:
go to www.dnsstuff.com
look on the right-hand side for "ping" under the "Hostname Tests" section
type in store.aguntherphotography.com and hit ENTER
see if the results from dnsstuff are similar to yours. if dnsstuff's times are significantly lower than the times you go on your computer, then it's likely an issue on your ISP's end and you need to contact their support. communicate to them the steps you took to come to this conclusion, that way they're less likely to think of you as an average know-nothing user and just tell you to reboot your computer.
- my photography: www.dangin.com
- my blog: www.dangin.com/blog
- follow me on twitter: @danginphoto