help! This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with
As a newer user, I seem to have messed up something in my Smugmug access, or linking from my new GoDaddy domain account. Have I done something wrong with my domain forwarding setup, or is it something with my Smugmug internal settings?.....
My domain ( ) seems to link fine to smugmug, unless you just put the domain name (annarborphoto) in the browser bar without the .com extension.... then it comes up with this:
"This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it"....
and the page is followed with HTML info....
any help is appreciated.
My domain ( ) seems to link fine to smugmug, unless you just put the domain name (annarborphoto) in the browser bar without the .com extension.... then it comes up with this:
"This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it"....
and the page is followed with HTML info....
any help is appreciated.
Comments is CNAMEd just fine to SmugMug.
AFAIK, putting "annarborphoto" in the address bar w/out the .com is not going to do anything. Your browser is trying to interpret it.
You have forwarded it looks like, to your smugmug account. is actually resolving to this IP, which is NOT SmugMug's. It's then being Forwarded by your domain host to us. That's bad, with forwarding, cookies and passwords won't work right, and that impacts gallery access and the cart.
Who's your domain host, you can likely set an "A" Record for (without the www) to our IP address. More here:
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when I type only " annarborphoto " into my browser ( Firefox ), I get a page with all the bare HTML tags, etc.... and here's the link at the top of my browser:
regarding the forwarding -- I'll plea ignorance, and try to educate myself more by reading the FAQ's. I'm not sure if this is currently keeping anyone from ordering through galleries -- but will try to find out quickly.
I had set up masking at GoDaddy with my www.annarborphoto forwarding .... maybe I should change that too ?....
Andy -- I found where my "A" name is forwarding to the IP address you mentioned ( it is listed as host " @ "... and I think I know how to change it.... but what is the correct SmugMug IP address to forward to? I didn't see it in the FAQ link you provided.
NO masking. No forwarding. Set an A-record of to point to our IP address (it's in the link I gave above). Leave the CNAME alone, the is just fine
If you need us to do it for you, mail us at the help desk with your godaddy signon info and we'll do it today, no problemo.
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BTW -- was this the proper outlet for me to ask these questions, or should this have gone to the help desk initially?
It's fine
This is a pro-issue. No worries.
Help desk is faster, but the result would be the same
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