Little Drummer Boy

In the spirit of the season, here is a picture of a drummer that I took on Venice beach just before Thanksgiving. Converted to B+W in ACR, cleaned up in Photoshop, added noise (this version), no sharpening.

Sun was going down in about 1/2 hour, and given the crowd I just had to move and shoot. First of many from this day

Sun was going down in about 1/2 hour, and given the crowd I just had to move and shoot. First of many from this day
"Don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to. Oh well."
-Fleetwood Mac
-Fleetwood Mac
also good idea on the title-
I'd clone out that thing in the upper right corner and maybe try to bring in some contrast between the sky and the drumsticks.