Very Long exposure ocean
Well I just got back from a spending a week in the Isle of Palms in South Carolina (outside of Charleston) and I wanted to try a long beach exposure. I think I need more practice doing this becuase it doesn't look like the focus was right on (had to go to manual focus because it was pitch black out).
Anyways, this is what I got. I'm happy with the exposure, the colours are pretty good, but the focus just seems a little off. What do you guys think? Any tips for next time, not that I can just go any day, Tennessee lacks the nice beaches :dunno

the exif is here
Anyways, this is what I got. I'm happy with the exposure, the colours are pretty good, but the focus just seems a little off. What do you guys think? Any tips for next time, not that I can just go any day, Tennessee lacks the nice beaches :dunno

the exif is here
Good attempt but I ask what exactly is the shot aiming to show? Do you want the smoothness of the moving water? Do you want star trails? I ask because I think this shot-- or similar ones in the future-- would make a great shot if done with some more planning. Have you ever used image stacker? It is a nice, and cheap, program that'll take multiple, identical shots and overlay one after another. It is a quick way to take good-quality low-light or star trail shots and put them all together to get what looks like one continuous shot. The benefit is that you don't have a shutter open for 30-90 minutes creating high noise and low quality shots.