Changing smugmug account name...

Is it possible to change the name of my account? For example, could I change from "truth.smugmug" to "whatever.smugmug" so long as the new name is available? I'm looking to revamp my photo site via an external domain and host now that it is becoming a business, something I really never intended.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
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Over the xmas break, I played with some flash slideshows for integration with SM. Check one out here
Something like this might be an option, it will allow you to feed up your SM images with the look and feel of your corporate website...and leave your SM site the way u want it.
Just an idea.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I though about that dev, but since I'll have a domain, domain based email addys and a domain based blog it's pretty minor to alter the smugmug name to match. it'll make things more linear for customers clicking through. The fear is that after leaving my domain they'd move to a smugmug site that doesn't match and freak out. FAQ 102 to the Rescue
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
function redirectPath() {
re = /((www.)?;
tmp = window.location.href;
if (re.test(tmp)) {
tmp = tmp.replace(re, '');
window.location.href = tmp;
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Yes, I tested that. Very nice bit o'code.